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Exploring the digitalization impact on consumer decision-making in retail banking.10.352018
Introduction To The Special Issue On Mobile Commerce: Mobile Commerce Research Yesterday, Today, Tomorrowwhat Remains To Be Done?50.452015
Engineering The Value Network Of The Customer Interface And Marketing In The Data-Rich Retail Environment70.562014
Requirements for Personalized m-Commerce: What Drives Consumers' Use of Social Networks?00.342013
Enabling evidence-based retail marketing with the use of payment data - the Mobile Payment Reference Model 2.030.382013
Enterprise Resource Planning in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen.00.342012
Gestaltung mobil-integrierter Geschäftsprozesse.10.352012
Mobile payment in the smartphone age: extending the mobile payment reference model with non-traditional revenue streams20.412012
Social networks: the role of users' privacy concerns40.372012
Value Creation in the Mobile Market - A Reference Model for the Role(s) of the Future Mobile Network Operator.00.342011
Wertschöpfung im Mobilfunkmarkt - Ein Referenzmodell für die Rolle(n) des Mobilfunkanbieters der Zukunft.00.342011
Determinants of customer acceptance for mobile data services: an empirical analysis with formative constructs.70.442011
Mobile und Ubiquitäre Informationssysteme - Technologien, Anwendungen und Dienste zur Unterstützung von mobiler Kollaboration Proceedings zur 5. Konferenz Mobile und Ubiquitäre Informationssysteme (MMS 2010), 23.-25. Februar 2010 in Göttingen, Germany174.812010
Proposing a comprehensive framework for analysis and engineering of mobile payment business models180.982009
Requirements on IT business value measures for mobile-integrated business processes.10.492009
Techniques and Applications for Mobile Commerce - Proceedings of TAMoCo 2009, 16-17 September 2009, Mérida, Spain151.302009
Mobile word-of-mouth - A grounded theory of mobile viral marketing371.522009
A modeling approach and reference models for the analysis of mobile payment use cases100.552008
Mobile und Ubiquitäre Informationssysteme - Technologien, Prozesse, Marktfähigkeit. Proceedings zur 3. Konferenz Mobile und Ubiquitäre Informationssysteme, MMS 2008, 26.-28. Februar 2008, München, Germany143.782008
Guest Editorial: Research advances for the mobile payments arena10.352008
Einflussfaktoren auf das Empfehlungsverhalten im Mobile Viral Marketing: Ein Grounded-Theory-Ansatz00.342008
Ausgestaltung mobiler Bezahlverfahren - Ergebnisse der Studie MP320.532008
The Mobile Payment Paradox --Current Research Issues on Yesterday's Future Payment Instrument00.342008
Analyzing the Elements of the Business Model for Mobile Payment Service Provision60.572007
Success Factors in Mobile Viral Marketing: A Multi-Case Study Approach60.662007
Adoption and Impact of Mobile-Integrated Business Processes - Comparison of Existing Frameworks and Analysis of their Generalization Potential00.342007
Mobile Informationssysteme - Potentiale, Hindernisse, Einsatz, 1. Fachtagung Mobilität und Mobile Informationssysteme (MMS), 20.-22. Februar 2006, Passau, Germany143.332006
Understanding Effects and Determinants of Mobile Support Tools: A Usability-Centered Field Study on IT Service Technicians50.502006
Security issues in mobile payment from the customer viewpoint.291.442006
A Contribution to Theory Building for Mobile Marketing: Categorizing Mobile Marketing Campaigns through Case Study Research101.562006
The "Mobility-M"-framework for Application of Mobile Technology in Business Processes20.392005
Mobile Business - Processes, Platforms, Payment - Proceedings zur 5. Konferenz Mobile Commerce Technologien und Anwendungen (MCTA 2005), 31.01.-02.02.2005, Universität Augsburg112.012005
Payment Procedures for Electronic Government Services00.342005
Einsatz mobiler Kommunikationstechnologien in der Baubranche10.392005
Assessment of Today's Mobile Banking Applications from the View of Customer Requirements474.402004
04441 Working Group - Business Models00.342004
Applying Formal Methods: Testing, Performance and M/ECommerce, FORTE 2004 Workshops The FormEMC, EPEW, ITM, Toledo, Spain, October 1-2, 2004272.462004
Nutzungsszenarien für mobile Bezahlverfahren20.602004
An Approach for Assessment of Electronic Offers71.082004
Mobile Economy - Transaktionen, Prozesse, Anwendungen und Dienste, Proceedings zum 4. Workshop Mobile Commerce, Universität Augsburg, 2.-3. Februar 2004153.922004
Mobile Vending - Nutzen und Grenzen des Telemetrieeinsatzes bei Warenautomaten00.342004
Extending knowledge management to mobile workplaces101.072004
Current Mobile Payment Procedures on the German Market from the View of Customer Requirements110.972003
Abrechnung mobiler Mehrwertdienste30.652003
Akzeptanz mobiler Bezahlungsverfahren in Deutschland71.572003
Mobile Commerce - Anwendungen und Perspektiven, Proceedings zum 3. Workshop Mobile Commerce, Universität Augsburg, 4.2.2003108.412003
Standardized Payment Procedures as Key Enabling Factor for Mobile Commerce206.282002
Akzeptanzkriterien für mobile Bezahlverfahren72.312002
Characteristics of Mobile Payment Procedures186.922002