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Improved multi-source domain adaptation by preservation of factors00.342021
Auditory Scene Understanding for Autonomous Driving00.342021
Gradient Play in n-Cluster Games with Zero-Order Information.00.342021
Hybrid Evolutionary Approach to Multi-objective Path Planning for UAVs.00.342021
Projected Push-Sum Gradient Descent-Ascent for Convex Optimization with Application to Economic Dispatch Problems00.342020
Application Of Pareto Optimization In An Economic Model Predictive Controlled Microgrid00.342020
Redundancy resolution under hard joint constraints - a generalized approach to rank updates.00.342020
Multi-objective model predictive control for microgrids10.362020
High Performance Adaptive Attitude Control Of A Quadrotor00.342019
Optimales Energie-Management über verteilte, beschränkte Gradientenverfahren.00.342019
Generating Compact Geometric Track-Maps for Train Positioning Applications.00.342019
The PRORETA 4 City Assistant System.00.342019
Optimal Output Regulation for Square, Overactuated and Underactuated Linear Systems00.342018
Designing Communication Topologies for Optimal Synchronization Trajectories of HomogeneousLinear Multi-Agent Systems.00.342018
On Robustly Stabilizing PID Controllers for Systems with a Certain Class of Multilinear Parameter Dependency.00.342018
Self-Validation for Automotive Visual Odometry00.342018
Lq Optimal Tracking With Unbounded Cost For Unknown Dynamics: An Adaptive Dynamic Programming Approach00.342018
Optimal Stationary Synchronization Of Heterogeneous Linear Multi-Agent Systems00.342018
Autos werden zu Robotern.00.342018
Static Optimal Decoupling Control For Linear Over-Actuated Systems Regarding Time-Varying References00.342017
Saliency-Guided Region Proposal Network For Cnn Based Object Detection00.342017
Generic Hypothesis Generation For Small And Distant Objects00.342016
An Integrated Approach to Maneuver-Based Trajectory Prediction and Criticality Assessment in Arbitrary Road Environments.150.772016
Nicht-konservative weich strukturvariable Regelungen mit invers-polynomialen Selektionsstrategien.00.342016
On the Equivalence Between Strict Positive Realness and Strict Passivity of Linear Systems.10.362016
Output Feedback Control Of Rational Nonlinear Systems: A New Approach Based On Passivity Indices00.342016
Compact Representation of Dynamic Driving Environments for ADAS by Parametric Free Space and Dynamic Object Maps.70.582016
On stabilizing linear systems with input saturation via soft variable structure control laws10.362016
A distributed analysis and design method for the synchronization of linear heterogeneous SISO systems by static state control00.342015
Fault diagnosis of dynamical systems using recurrent fuzzy systems with application to an electrohydraulic servo axis20.372015
Artificial Motivations Based On Drive-Reduction Theory In Self-Referential Model-Building Control Systems10.352015
A Piecewise Approximation Approach to Nonlinear Systems: Stability and Region of Attraction00.342015
Feedback control of nonlinear systems using passivity indices00.342015
Fast synchronization with directed small-world networks10.372015
Ausgewählte Beiträge der GMA-Fachausschüsse 1.30 und
Rule-based metainference for crisp-type two-string fuzzy inference systems00.342014
Synchronizing networks of heterogeneous linear systems via input-output decoupling00.342014
Entwurf konvergenzoptimaler weich strukturvariabler Regelungen für lineare Systeme mit Stellgrößenbeschränkung.10.382014
Robust output synchronization for heterogeneous multi-agent systems based on input-output decoupling10.372014
Synthese von Zustands- und Ausgangsrückführungen für rekurrente Fuzzy-Systeme.00.342014
Robust stabilization of recurrent fuzzy systems via switching control00.342014
Entwurf von Fehlerisolationsbeobachtern für lineare Systeme mit unsicheren Parametern.00.342014
Beiträge der GMA-Fachausschüsse 1.30 und
Low order controllers for output synchronization of linear heterogeneous SISO agents10.372014
Andreas Kroll: Computational Intelligence: Eine Einführung in Probleme, Methoden und technische Anwendungen.00.342014
Grid mapping in dynamic road environments: Classification of dynamic cell hypothesis via tracking50.442014
Towards modelling affect and emotions in autonomous agents with recurrent fuzzy systems60.482014
Entkopplungsbasierte Synchronisierung heterogener linearer Multi-Agenten-Systeme.00.342014
Mobile Robotik.00.342013
From Grid Maps To Parametric Free Space Maps - A Highly Compact, Generic Environment Representation For Adas30.402013
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