Chalmers University of Technolgy, Gothenburg, Sweden
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360TourGuiding: Towards Virtual Reality Training for Tour Guiding00.342022
Monitoring and Visualization of Crystallization Processes Using Electrical Resistance Tomography: CaCO3 and Sucrose Crystallization Case Studies00.342022
RedirectedDoors: Redirection While Opening Doors in Virtual Reality00.342022
On-site or Remote Working?: An Initial Solution on How COVID-19 Pandemic May Impact Augmented Reality Users00.342022
Augmented Reality with Industrial Process Tomography: To Support Complex Data Analysis in 3D Space00.342021
Affective Colormap Design For Accurate Visual Comprehension In Industrial Tomography00.342021
What Matters in Professional Drone Pilots’ Practice? An Interview Study to Understand the Complexity of Their Work and Inform Human-Drone Interaction Research00.342021
Supporting Visualization Analysis in Industrial Process Tomography by Using Augmented Reality-A Case Study of an Industrial Microwave Drying System00.342021
"I Am Told to Be Happy": An Exploration of Deep Learning in Affective Colormaps in Industrial Tomography00.342021
VXSlate: Exploring Combination of Head Movements and Mobile Touch for Large Virtual Display Interaction00.342021
Vxsiate: Combining Head Movement And Mobile Touch For Large Virtual Display Interaction00.342021
ICDAR'20: Intelligent Cross-Data Analysis and Retrieval00.342020
Task-based Colormap Design Supporting Visual Comprehension in Process Tomography.00.342020
Agent Archetypes for Human-Drone Interaction - Social Robots or Objects with Intent?00.342020
DigiMetaplan: supporting facilitated brainstorming for distributed business teams00.342019
The Design of Social Drones - A Review of Studies on Autonomous Flyers in Inhabited Environments.20.422019
ScaffoMapping: Assisting Concept Mapping for Video Learners00.342019
CamCutter: Impromptu Vision-Based Cross-Device Application Sharing00.342019
Automatic Image Segmentation for Microwave Tomography (MWT): From Implementation to Comparative Evaluation00.342019
GazeLens: Guiding Attention to Improve Gaze Interpretation in Hub-Satellite Collaboration.00.342019
Understanding grassroots sports gamification in the wild.00.342018
Wristorigami: Exploring Foldable Design For Multi-Display Smartwatch20.352018
Foreword to the Special Section on the 23rd ACM symposium on virtual reality software and technology 2017.00.342018
Towards Materials For Computational Heirlooms: Blockchains And Wristwatches10.352018
Movespace: On-Body Athletic Interaction For Running And Cycling00.342018
LabDesignAR: configuring multi-camera motion capture systems in augmented reality10.392017
Exploring Proxemics For Human-Drone Interaction10.362017
Immersive environment for distributed creative collaboration10.362017
Viewfinder: supporting the installation and reconfiguration of multi-camera motion capture systems with a mobile application.00.342017
Social Drone Companion For The Home Environment: A User-Centric Exploration20.392017
Understanding Design for Automated Image Analysis in Digital Pathology.20.452016
A fuzzy data-based model for Human-Robot Proxemics20.362016
Mediated Reality Mirror: Towards a Study with Autistic Users.00.342016
How would you gesture navigate a drone?: a user-centered approach to control a drone.80.572016
NowAndThen: a social network-based photo recommendation tool supporting reminiscence.10.342016
Ubitile: A Finger-Worn I/O Device for Tabletop Vibrotactile Pattern Authoring.00.342016
Scale Stain: Multi-Resolution Feature Enhancement in Pathology Visualization.00.342016
Using Crowdsourcing for Scientific Analysis of Industrial Tomographic Images.40.522016
HaptiColor: Interpolating Color Information as Haptic Feedback to Assist the Colorblind.110.732016
Interactive Surfaces for Collaborative Software Design.00.342016
WAVI: improving motion capture calibration using haptic and visual feedback.10.392016
Towards Leaning Aware Interaction with Multitouch Tabletops.00.342016
RAMPARTS: Supporting Sensemaking with Spatially-Aware Mobile Interactions.140.622016
Towards an Agenda for Sci-Fi Inspired HCI Research.00.342016
Exploring Diminished Reality (DR) Spaces to Augment the Attention of Individuals with Autism20.542015
A Drone Agent to Support a Clean Environment30.402015
Volvo Single View of Vehicle: Building a Big Data Service from Scratch in the Automotive Industry00.342015
Interaction in Motion with Mobile Projectors: Design Considerations10.362015
OmniVib: Towards Cross-body Spatiotemporal Vibrotactile Notifications for Mobile Phones160.782015
Visualizing Single-Camera Reprojection Errors Using Diffusion00.342015
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