Univ New S Wales, Sch Elect Engn & Telecommun, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia
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Navigation of a UAV Network for Optimal Surveillance of a Group of Ground Targets Moving Along a Road00.342022
Navigating UAVs for Optimal Monitoring of Groups of Moving Pedestrians or Vehicles10.412021
Surveillance of Remote Targets by UAVs *00.342021
Networked Unmanned Aerial Vehicles For Surveillance And Monitoring: A Survey20.372021
Extremum Seeking Navigation Without Derivative Estimation of a Mobile Robot in a Dynamic Environmental Field10.352016
Distributed 3D Dynamic Search Coverage for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks70.432015
A new discrete-time approach to anti-swing tracking control of overhead cranes50.802014
Decentralized navigation of nonholonomic robots for 3D formation building10.342014
Optimal hybrid wind-solar system for matching renewable power generation with demand00.342014
A new tracking control approach for 3D overhead crane systems using model predictive control50.542014
A sensorless physiological control algorithm for left ventricular assist device for heart failure patients10.372014
A simple real-time algorithm for safe navigation of a non-holonomic robot in complex unknown environments with moving obstacles00.342014
Modeling aortic valve closure under the action of a ventricular assist device.00.342013
An algorithm of decentralized encircling coverage and termination of a moving deformable region by mobile robotic sensor/actuator networks20.362013
A collision avoidance strategy for safe autonomous navigation of an intelligent electric-powered wheelchair in dynamic uncertain environments with moving obstacles20.502013
Kinematic navigation of a nonholonomic robot for 3D environmental extremum seeking without gradient estimation00.342013
Feasible approach to control the operation of implantable rotary blood pumps for heart failure patients20.392013
Kinematic navigation of a mobile robot for environmental extremum seeking without derivatives estimation10.382013
Self biofeedback control of oxygen consumption (Vo2) during cycling exercise: based on its real time estimate.00.342013
Multitarget Tracking via Space Transformations Using a Single Frequency Continuous Wave Radar60.692012
A reactive algorithm for safe navigation of a wheeled mobile robot among moving obstacles30.452012
A strategy for target capturing with collision avoidance for non-holonomic robots with sector vision and range-only measurements30.402012
Boundary tracking by a wheeled robot with rigidly mounted sensors00.342012
Wind power dispatch control with battery energy storage using model predictive control10.522012
An adaptive H∞ control design for exercise-independent human heart rate regulation system40.602011
On false-data attacks in robust multi-sensor-based estimation10.372011
Modeling and control of an implantable rotary blood pump for heart failure patients00.342010
A method for navigation of an autonomous vehicle for border patrol00.342010
Decentralized control of a mobile sensor network for deployment in corridor coverage40.432009
Model predictive control for wind power generation smoothing with controlled battery storage20.542009
Stabilization of networked systems under computational power constraints00.342009
The problem of decentralized stabilization of formations of wheeled mobile robots00.342009
A robust state estimation approach to video tracking00.342009
On motion planning for an underactuated ship: Fundamental limitations and a bearings-only navigation strategy10.392007
Stabilization of stochastic linear plants via limited capacity stochastic communication channels30.402006
Output feedback stabilisation of nonlinear networked control systems with non-decreasing nonlinearities10.362006
Shannon Zero Error Capacity and the Problem of Almost Sure Observability over Noisy Communication Channels20.462005
Almost Sure Nonobservability and Unstabilizability of Unstable Noisy Linear Plants via Communication Channels with Packet Losses00.342005
Optimal H∞ insulin injection control for blood glucose regulation in diabetic patients242.162005
Set-valued robust Kalman state estimation via digital communication channels with bit-rate constraints00.342003