University of Chile Blanco Encalada 2120, Santiago, Chile
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O&M Indoor Virtual Environments for People Who Are Blind: A Systematic Literature Review10.352020
Clue: A Usability Evaluation Checklist For Multimodal Video Game Field Studies With Children Who Are Blind00.342018
Mobile Audio Games Accessibility Evaluation For Users Who Are Blind10.352017
Tactile Interface Design For Helping Mobility Of People With Visual Disabilities00.342017
Development Of An Audio-Haptic Virtual Interface For Navigation Of Large-Scale Environments For People Who Are Blind10.382016
Usability and UX Evaluation of a Mobile Social Application to Increase Students-Faculty Interactions.00.342016
Audio Description Of Videos For People With Visual Disabilities10.412016
Multimodal Videogames For The Cognition Of People Who Are Blind: Trends And Issues30.452015
Usability Evaluation Of A Mobile Navigation Application For Blind Users00.342015
Development of Navigation Skills Through Audio Haptic Videogaming in Learners Who are Blind.60.492013
Enhancing Orientation and Mobility Skills in Learners who are Blind through Video gaming.10.352013
Audio haptic videogaming for navigation skills in learners who are blind70.542011
Audiopolis, navigation through a virtual city using audio and haptic interfaces for people who are blind70.522011
mGuides, design and usability of a mobile system to assist learning in critical situations10.372011
Does the New Digital Generation of Learners Exist? A Qualitative Study.60.622011
Metro navigation for the blind30.412010
Audio and haptic based virtual environments for orientation and mobility in people who are blind90.872010
A model to develop videogames for orientation and mobility30.532010
Autonomous navigation through the city for the blind90.852010
Digital inclusion in Chilean in rural schools20.522010
Video Game Design for Mobile Phones.20.432010
Video Gaming for Blind Learners School Integration in Science Classes20.472009
3D Virtual Environments for the Rehabilitation of the Blind00.342009
Indoor Position and Orientation for the Blind00.342009
Usability of a multimodal videogame to improve navigation skills for blind children90.622009
Mobile Audio Navigation Interfaces for the Blind20.442009
Virtual Mobile Science Learning for Blind People.40.462008
ICT & learning in Chilean schools: Lessons learned121.812008
AudioStoryTeller: enforcing blind children reading skills30.522007
Mobile game-based methodology for science learning80.792007
Mobile application model for the blind10.412007
Guidelines for designing mobility and orientation software for blind children120.832007
A model to design interactive learning environments for children with visual disabilities50.632007
Issues in implementing awareness in collaborative software for blind people10.372006
APL: audio programming language for blind learners60.712006
Meaning Making Through e-Learning00.342006
Subway mobility assistance tools for blind users152.152006
Mobile Messenger for the Blind202.202006
Modeling 3d interactive environments for learners with visual disabilities40.592006
Three-dimensional virtual environments for blind children.40.712006
A Model to Design Multimedia Software for Learners with Visual Disabilities10.372006
3D sound interactive environments for blind children problem solving skills131.122006
Memory enhancement through audio121.092004
Interactive virtual acoustic environments for blind children: computing, usability, and cognition111.002001
Virtual environment interaction through 3D audio by blind children.141.951999