Department of Computer Science and Engineering
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Selective Caching: Avoiding Performance Valleys in Massively Parallel Architectures00.342020
Multiverse: Dynamic VM Provisioning for Virtualized High Performance Computing Clusters00.342020
SOML Read: Rethinking the Read Operation Granularity of 3D NAND SSDs10.352019
Understanding Energy Efficiency in IoT App Executions20.362019
CASH: compiler assisted hardware design for improving DRAM energy efficiency in CNN inference10.352019
Spock: Exploiting Serverless Functions for SLO and Cost Aware Resource Procurement in Public Cloud20.392019
Content Popularity-Based Selective Replication for Read Redirection in SSDs00.342018
Reviving Zombie Pages on SSDs10.362018
Tolerating Write Disturbance Errors in PCM: Experimental Characterization, Analysis, and Mechanisms00.342018
Stochastic Modeling and Optimization of Stragglers.30.412018
Parallelizing garbage collection with I/O to improve flash resource utilization.80.552018
A Learning-Guided Hierarchical Approach for Biomedical Image Segmentation00.342018
Performance and Power-Efficient Design of Dense Non-Volatile Cache in CMPs.10.362018
Race-to-sleep + content caching + display caching: a recipe for energy-efficient video streaming on handhelds.130.562017
Leveraging value locality for efficient design of a hybrid cache in multicore processors.00.342017
Characterizing diverse handheld apps for customized hardware acceleration40.382017
Quantifying the Potential Benefits of On-chip Near-Data Computing in Manycore Processors30.382017
Phoenix: A Constraint-Aware Scheduler for Heterogeneous Datacenters60.402017
Controlled Kernel Launch for Dynamic Parallelism in GPUs100.502017
REMAP: a reliability/endurance mechanism for advancing PCM.10.342017
Exploring the Potential for Collaborative Data Compression and Hard-Error Tolerance in PCM Memories20.362017
A Scale-Out Enterprise Storage Architecture00.342017
Exploiting Intra-Request Slack to Improve SSD Performance.100.552017
DEMM: A Dynamic Energy-Saving Mechanism for Multicore Memories50.382017
Re-NUCA: A Practical NUCA Architecture for ReRAM Based Last-Level Caches120.522016
Exploring the potentials of parallel garbage collection in SSDs for enterprise storage systems.140.732016
Domain knowledge based energy management in handhelds160.622015
Exploiting Staleness for Approximating Loads on CMPs.20.362015
Evaluating the Combined Impact of Node Architecture and Cloud Workload Characteristics on Network Traffic and Performance/Cost80.572015
Guest Editorial: SBAC-PAD 201300.342015
VIP: virtualizing IP chains on handheld platforms80.422015
Exploiting Inter-Warp Heterogeneity to Improve GPGPU Performance.280.582015
Storage Consolidation on SSDs: Not Always a Panacea, but Can We Ease the Pain?00.342015
Trading cache hit rate for memory performance20.372014
HybridMR: A Hierarchical MapReduce Scheduler for Hybrid Data Centers361.132013
CloudPD: Problem determination and diagnosis in shared dynamic clouds281.162013
Application-aware prefetch prioritization in on-chip networks90.492012
Addressing End-to-End Memory Access Latency in NoC-Based Multicores190.762012
PEPON: performance-aware hierarchical power budgeting for NoC based multicores180.692012
A case for heterogeneous on-chip interconnects for CMPs601.792011
Architecting on-chip interconnects for stacked 3D STT-RAM caches in CMPs481.772011
A dynamic energy management scheme for multi-tier data centers110.672011
RAFT: A router architecture with frequency tuning for on-chip networks190.712011
A Superscalar software architecture model for Multi-Core Processors (MCPs)00.342010
Integration of admission, congestion, and peak power control in QoS-aware clusters20.372010
Clock-like Flow Replacement Schemes for Resilient Flow Monitoring00.342009
Peer-to-peer unstructured anycasting using correlated swarms20.422009
On interest locality in content-based routing for large-scale MANETs20.472009
MDCSim: A multi-tier data center simulation, platform693.532009
RandomCast: An Energy-Efficient Communication Scheme for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks150.772009
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