Department of Computer Science, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Taejon 305-701, Korea
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Holobox: Augmented Visualization And Presentation With Spatially Integrated Presenter00.342018
HoloStation: augmented visualization and presentation.00.342016
Interactive scan planning for heritage recording30.432016
Entry: visual programming to enhance children's computational thinking20.382015
MagCubes: Magnetically Driven Tangible Widgets for Children00.342015
PseudoSensor: Emulation of input modality by repurposing sensors on mobile devices00.342015
AgeCAPTCHA: an Image-based CAPTCHA that Annotates Images of Human Faces with their Age Groups.30.392014
FaceCAPTCHA: a CAPTCHA that identifies the gender of face images unrecognized by existing gender classifiers10.352014
Sound Planet: An Interactive Sound Visualization on the Spherical Display for Group Work00.342014
SPAROGRAM: The spatial augmented reality holographic display for 3D visualization and exhibition00.342014
Visualizing a scanned model for effective heritage interpretation00.342013
NailSense: fingertip force as a new input modality40.402013
Magnetic marionette: magnetically driven elastic controller on mobile device20.372013
MagGetz: customizable passive tangible controllers on and around conventional mobile devices301.432013
VibPress: estimating pressure input using vibration absorption on mobile devices150.802013
MagPen: magnetically driven pen interactions on and around conventional smartphones150.862013
VibroTactor: low-cost placement-aware technique using vibration echoes on mobile devices70.482013
PseudoButton: enabling pressure-sensitive interaction by repurposing microphone on mobile device80.642012
MicPen: pressure-sensitive pen interaction using microphone with standard touchscreen60.512012
Effects On Productivity And Safety Of Map And Augmented Reality Navigation Paradigms40.602011
Automated Motion LoD with Rigid Constraints.00.342010
Enabling sportive games with a do-it-yourself wearable computing platform.00.342010
A physically faithful multigrid method for fast cloth simulation100.502008
Fusion Of The Magnetic And Optical Information For Motion Capturing00.342007
3D body reconstruction from photos based on range scan180.932006
Optimized Motion Simplification For Crowd Animation70.482006
Stereo and motion correspondences using nonlinear optimization method10.352006
Low damped cloth simulation70.502006
Generating unified model for dressed virtual humans60.502005
Agsphere: Multiresolution Structure Of Directional Relationship On Surface Parts00.342004
KAIST interactive bicycle racing simulator: the 2nd version with advanced features10.372002
Kaist Interactive Bicycle Simulator51.292001
Conservative visibility preprocessing for walkthroughs of complex urban scenes30.502000
Sensor Fusion for Motion Capture System Based on System Identification10.412000
Concurrency control in CIAO171.151999
A two-level approach for modeling and recognition of hand gesture00.341998
A multiresolution control method using view directional feature10.361998
Synthesis of Human Motion Using Kalman Filter70.971998
Virtual Stage: A Location-Based Karaoke System90.991998
The control of avatar motion using hand gesture151.411998
Tracking and motion estimation of the articulated object: a hierarchical Kalman filter approach60.791997
An efficient collision detection algorithm using range data for walk-through systems00.341997
Exploiting Temporally Coherent Visibility For Accelerated Walkthroughs00.341997
Recognition of hand gestures with 3D, nonlinear arm movement120.981997
Exploiting the frame coherence in visibility for walk/fly-through.00.341996
Recognition of Space-Time Hand-Gestures using Hidden Markov Model5210.021996
Estimating the finite displacement using moments70.801990
Depth from focus using a pyramid architecture101.471990
The analytic structure of image flows: deformation and segmentation144.791990