SFB/TR 8 Spatial Cognition, Universität Bremen, Bibliotheksstraße 1, 28359 Bremen, Germany
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Virtual geographic environment construction based on ubiquitous geographic information00.342022
CrowdXR - Pitfalls and Potentials of Experiments with Remote Participants10.362021
Walking Through The Forests Of The Future: Using Data-Driven Virtual Reality To Visualize Forests Under Climate Change00.342021
Move The Object or Move The User: The Role of Interaction Techniques on Embodied Learning in VR.00.342021
Influence of HMD Type and Spatial Ability on Experiences and Learning in Place-based Education00.342021
Fostering Geological Thinking Through Virtual Strike and Dip Measurements00.342021
Place-Based Learning Through a Proxy - Variations in the Perceived Benefits of a Virtual Tour00.342021
Hmd Type And Spatial Ability: Effects On The Experiences And Learning Of Students In Immersive Virtual Field Trips00.342021
The Effect of Virtual Agent Gender and Embodiment on the Experiences and Performance of Students in Virtual Field Trips00.342020
Immersive Place-based Learning – An Extended Research Framework00.342020
CZ Investigator - Learning About Critical Zones Through a VR Serious Game.00.342020
Mixed or Virtual: Does Device Type Matter in Human-ECA Interactions00.342020
Fostering Penetrative Thinking in Geosciences Through Immersive Experiences: A Case Study in Visualizing Earthquake Locations in 3D00.342020
Design of a Serious Game to Inform the Public About the Critical Zone00.342020
Learning in the Field - Comparison of Desktop, Immersive Virtual Reality, and Actual Field Trips for Place-Based STEM Education.00.342020
From Spatial To Platial - The Role And Future Of Immersive Technologies In The Spatial Sciences00.342020
The Effects of Visual Realism on Spatial Memory and Exploration Patterns in Virtual Reality00.342020
The value of being there: toward a science of immersive virtual field trips10.382020
Desktop Versus Immersive Virtual Environments: Effects On Spatial Learning00.342020
A Comparison of Visual Attention Guiding Approaches for 360° Image-Based VR Tours10.362020
Extended Realities - How Changing Scale Affects Spatial Learning.00.342020
Visualizing Ecological Data In Virtual Reality00.342019
Warping Space and Time-Reviving Educational Tools of the 19th Century.00.342019
Research Framework For Immersive Virtual Field Trips00.342019
Low-Cost VR Applications to Experience Real Word Places Anytime, Anywhere, and with Anyone00.342019
Immersive Learning in the Wild - A Progress Report.00.342019
Scale - Unexplored Opportunities for Immersive Technologies in Place-based Learning10.382019
Human Interpretation Of Trade-Off Diagrams In Multi-Objective Problems: Implications For Developing Interactive Decision Support Systems00.342019
Where are we now? Re-visiting the Digital Earth through human-centered virtual and augmented reality geovisualization environments.00.342019
For the Many, Not the One - Designing Low-Cost Joint VR Experiences for Place-Based Learning.10.352019
Harnessing the power of immersive virtual reality - visualization and analysis of 3D earth science data sets10.412019
Visualizing Natural Environments From Data In Virtual Reality: Combining Realism And Uncertainty00.342019
Collaborating remotely: an evaluation of immersive capabilities on spatial experiences and team membership.30.432018
Immersive Technologies and Experiences for Archaeological Site Exploration and Analysis.00.342017
Quantifying space, understanding minds: A visual summary approach.10.352017
Developing and Evaluating VR Field Trips.10.482017
Immersive Analytics for Multi-objective Dynamic Integrated Climate-Economy (DICE) Models40.432016
Special issue introduction: Approaching spatial uncertainty visualization to support reasoning and decision making.00.342016
Conceptualizing Landscap - A Comparative Study of Landscape Categories with Navajo and English-Speaking Participants.20.462015
Citizen Science Land Cover Classification Based on Ground and Aerial Imagery.20.482015
Towards contextualized models of spatial relations00.342015
Exploring Regional Variation in Spatial Language Using Spatially Stratified Web-Sampled Route Direction Documents.20.392014
Building a corpus of spatial relational expressions extracted from web documents80.562014
Cognitive Evaluation of Spatial Formalisms: Intuitive Granularities of Overlap Relations10.352014
Linking context and proximity through web corpus20.382013
Fundamental Cognitive Concepts of Space (and Time): Using Cross-Linguistic, Crowdsourced Data to Cognitively Calibrate Modes of Overlap10.372013
Investigating intuitive granularities of overlap relations10.352013
Investigations into the Cognitive Conceptualization and Similarity Assessment of Spatial Scenes.10.352012
Disambiguating Road Names in Text Route Descriptions using Exact-All-Hop Shortest Path Algorithm.40.462012
Assessing similarities of qualitative spatio-temporal relations10.472012
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