National Institute of Standards and Technology
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ActEV18: Human Activity Detection Evaluation for Extended Videos10.412019
Shape Retrieval of Non-Rigid 3D Human Models.30.402016
Range Scans based 3D Shape Retrieval40.392015
A comparison of 3D shape retrieval methods based on a large-scale benchmark supporting multimodal queries411.142015
A comparison of methods for sketch-based 3D shape retrieval371.012014
Retrieval and Classification on Textured 3D Models.70.422014
Automatic Location of Landmarks used in Manual Anthropometry.40.382014
Extended Large Scale Sketch-Based 3D Shape Retrieval.190.932014
Hybrid shape descriptor and meta similarity generation for non-rigid and partial 3D model retrieval.200.562014
Large Scale Comprehensive 3D Shape Retrieval.150.522014
3D Ground-Truth Systems for Object/Human Recognition and Tracking20.372013
Feature-Preserved 3D Canonical Form160.702013
CM-BOF: visual similarity-based 3D shape retrieval using Clock Matching and Bag-of-Features220.712013
A comparison of methods for non-rigid 3D shape retrieval751.542013
Exploring Local Features and the Bag-of-Visual-Words Approach for Bioimage Classification20.362013
Non-rigid and Partial 3D Model Retrieval Using Hybrid Shape Descriptor and Meta Similarity.20.382012
An evaluation of local shape descriptors for 3D shape retrieval40.382012
Evaluation of 3D interest point detection techniques via human-generated ground truth531.292012
Evaluation of 3D interest point detection techniques90.512011
Salient Local 3D Features for 3D Shape Retrieval200.672011
A Feature-Preserved Canonical Form for Non-rigid 3D Meshes50.402011
Eurographics 2011 Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval (EG 3DOR'2011) in Cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH : Lluandudno, UK, April 10, 2011.00.342011
Retrieval and Clustering from a 3D Human Database based on Body and Head Shape60.492011
Benchmarks, performance evaluation and contests for 3D shape retrieval20.382011
View subspaces for indexing and retrieval of 3D models10.392011
Face Recognition using 3D Facial Shape and Color Map Information: Comparison and Combination130.832011
Investigating the bag-of-words method for 3D shape retrieval60.402010
A shape-based searching system for industrial components40.452010
SHREC'10 Track: Robust Shape Retrieval100.442010
A benchmark for best view selection of 3D objects160.802010
Non-rigid 3D shape retrieval using Multidimensional Scaling and Bag-of-Features180.652010
Visual Similarity Based 3D Shape Retrieval Using Bag-of-Features551.652010
SHREC'10 track: generic 3D warehouse100.562010
SHREC'10 track: large scale retrieval70.502010
3D shape retrieval by visual parts similarity.00.342009
Exploring the Bag-of-Words method for 3D shape retrieval130.592009
Facial Shape Analysis and Sizing System10.352009
Bio-imaging Toolkit for Indexing, Searching, Navigation, Discovery and Annotation00.342008
Map quality assessment40.492008
3D Part identification based on local shape descriptors80.542008
Identifying objects in range data based on similarity transformation invariant shape signatures00.342008
Shrec'08 Entry: 3d Shape Searching Using Object Partitioning20.412008
A New Shape Benchmark for 3D Object Retrieval331.082008
SHREC’08 entry: Visual based 3D CAD retrieval using Fourier Mellin Transform30.422008
Spatially Enhanced Bags of Words for 3D Shape Retrieval150.722008
Advanced human body and head shape representation and analysis30.532007
Similarity based retrieval from a 3D human database00.342005
Human identification from body shape151.562003
Integrating active tangible devices with a synthetic environment for collaborative engineering100.762001
A VRML integration methodology for manufacturing applications30.561999