New Mexico State University
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Parallel Logic Programming: A Sequel.00.342022
An action language for multi-agent domains00.342022
An Answer Set Programming Framework for Reasoning about Agents' Beliefs and Truthfulness of Statements.00.342020
EFP 2.0 - A Multi-Agent Epistemic Solver with Multiple E-State Representations.00.342020
Design And Implementation Of Phylotastic, A Service Architecture For Evolutionary Biology00.342020
Multi-context System For Optimization Problems00.342019
ASP Applications in Bio-informatics: A Short Tour.00.342018
Distributed Multi-Agent Optimization For Smart Grids And Home Automation00.342018
Reasoning with Doxastic Attitudes in Multi-Agent Domains.00.342018
A generic approach to planning in the presence of incomplete information: Theory and implementation (Extended Abstract).00.342017
Solving DCOPs with Distributed Large Neighborhood Search.00.342017
On the Effectiveness of a Collaborative Virtual Pair-Programming Environment.00.342016
A GPU Implementation of the ASP Computation.40.402016
Multi-Variable Agents Decomposition for DCOPs.00.342016
Large Neighborhood Search with Quality Guarantees for Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems20.382015
Solving distributed constraint optimization problems using logic programming10.352015
A generic approach to planning in the presence of incomplete information: Theory and implementation50.422015
Parallel Execution of the ASP Computation - an Investigation on GPUs.10.352015
An Action Language for Multi-Agent Domains: Foundations00.342015
A declarative concurrent system for protein structure prediction on GPU50.422015
Constrained Community-Based Gene Regulatory Network Inference10.352015
DISSECT: Exploring the relationship between computational thinking and English literature in K-12 curricula00.342015
A Non-monotonic Goal Specification Language for Planning with Preferences.10.362014
Exploring the Use of GPUs in Constraint Solving100.522014
Techniques to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of inductive logic programming systems: the TWEETY approaches.00.342014
Protein Structure Prediction on GPU: A Declarative Approach in a Multi-agent Framework40.402013
Autonomous agents coordination: Action languages meet CLP() and Linda.00.342013
A conformant planner based on approximation: CpA(H)10.362013
Reasoning About The Beliefs Of Agents In Multi-Agent Domains In The Presence Of State Constraints: The Action Language Mal10.382013
E-Arithmetic: non-visual arithmetic manipulation for students with impaired vision10.362012
Trackable interactive multimodal manipulatives: towards a tangible user environment for the blind60.522012
A filtering technique for fragment assembly- based proteins loop modeling with constraints20.362012
Answer set programming and planning with knowledge and world-altering actions in multiple agent domains10.352012
An Experiment in Formalizing Commitments Using Action Languages.00.342011
ASP-Prolog for negotiation among dishonest agents30.392011
Contingent Planning as AND/OR Forward Search with Disjunctive Representation.30.402011
On Improving Conformant Planners by Analyzing Domain-Structures.10.352011
Formalizing commitments using action languages60.502011
Exploring protein fragment assembly using CLP90.482011
A 25-year perspective on logic programming: achievements of the Italian association for logic programming, GULP100.432010
An investigation in parallel execution of answer set programs on distributed memory platforms: Task sharing and dynamic scheduling20.362010
Integrating semantic web and folksonomies to improve e-learning accessibility20.392010
Representing Multi-agent Planning in CLP60.502009
A Conformant Planner with Explicit Disjunctive Representation of Belief States170.882009
Improving Performance of Conformant Planners: Static Analysis of Declarative Planning Domain Specifications110.712009
GASP: Answer Set Programming with Lazy Grounding250.782009
Planning for multiagent using ASP-prolog20.372009
Answer Set Programming with Constraints Using Lazy Grounding230.842009
An empirical study of constraint logic programming and answer set programming solutions of combinatorial problems210.802009
Logic Programming, 24th International Conference, ICLP 2008, Udine, Italy, December 9-13 2008, Proceedings744.402008
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