Cambridge University
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Nonlinear Complementary Filters On The Special Linear Group60.482012
Direct Visual Servoing: Vision-Based Estimation and Control Using Only Nonmetric Information110.712012
Unified Direct Visual Tracking of Rigid and Deformable Surfaces Under Generic Illumination Changes in Grayscale and Color Images250.952010
Dynamic estimation of homography transformations on the special linear group for visual servo control130.642009
Visual tracking of planes with an uncalibrated central catadioptric camera40.452009
Visual servoing from robust direct color image registration20.412009
Three-dimensional mapping with time-of-flight cameras563.272009
An Efficient Direct Approach to Visual SLAM452.472008
Direct Visual Servoing With Respect To Rigid Objects60.582007
An efficient unified approach to direct visual tracking of rigid and deformable surfaces120.922007
Insight into efficient image registration techniques and the demons algorithm.271.612007
Real-Time Visual Tracking Under Arbitrary Illumination Changes672.282007
An Efficient Direct Method For Improving Visual Slam111.022007
Accurate Quadrifocal Tracking For Robust 3d Visual Odometry814.482007
A New Approach to Vision-based Robot Control with Omni-directional Cameras70.532006
Constrained Multiple Planar Template Tracking for Central Catadioptric Cameras100.722006
Fast Central Catadioptric Line Extraction, Estimation, Tracking And Structure From Motion90.582006
Real-Time Robust Detection Of Planar Regions In A Pair Of Images151.142006
Visual Servoing Over Unknown, Unstructured, Large-Scale Scenes30.392006
Homography-Based 2d Visual Servoing281.342006
Integration of Euclidean constraints in template based visual tracking of piecewise-planar scenes.111.012006
Parameters Selection and Stability Analysis of Invariant Visual Servoing with Weighted Features00.342005
Vision-based Control for Car Platooning using Homography Decomposition.331.802005
Continuous visual servoing despite the changes of visibility in image features411.672005
A unified approach to visual tracking and servoing191.012005
Visual Servoing Techniques for Continuous Navigation of a Mobile Robot00.342004
Self-calibration of the distortion of a zooming camera by matching points at different resolutions.10.362004
Robustness of Central Catadioptric Image-Based Visual Servoing to Uncertainties on 3D Parameters40.422004
Real-time image-based tracking of planes using Efficient Second-order Minimization1237.202004
Preserving the continuity of visual servoing despite changing image features.10.482004
Euclidean reconstruction independent on camera intrinsic parameters.10.372004
Robustness of image-based visual servoing with respect to depth distribution errors482.302003
2-1/2D Visual Servoing with Respect to Planar Contours Having Complex and Unknown Shapes80.522003
Uncalibrated Active Affine Reconstruction Closing The Loop By Visual Servoing10.402003
An Unified Approach to Model-Based and Model-Free Visual Servoing20.422002
Theoretical Improvements In The Stability Analysis Of A New Class Of Model-Free Visual Servoinor Methods935.082002
Robust features tracking for robotic applications: towards 2 1/2 D visual servoing with natural images90.612002
Intrinsics-free visual servoing with respect to straight lines90.662002
Camera self-calibration from unknown planar structures enforcing the multiview constraints between collineations351.332002
Robot Control Using Disparate Multiple Sensors110.972001
2 1/2 D Visual Servoing with Respect to Unknown Objects Through a New Estimation Scheme of Camera Displacement1296.432000
2 1/2 D Visual Servoing: A Possible Solution to Improve Image-Based and Position-Based Visual Servoings412.942000
Automatic Segmentation and Matching of Planar Contours for Visual Servoing171.312000
Multi-view Constraints between Collineations: Application to Self-Calibration from Unknown Planar Structures151.082000
Self-Calibration of Zooming Cameras Observing an Unknown Planar Structure60.722000
2½D visual servoing1609.911999
Collineation Estimation from Two Unmatched Views of an Unknown Planar Contour for Visual Servoing50.531999
Positioning a Coarse-Calibrated Camera with Respect to an Unknown Planar Object by 2D 1/2 Visual Servoing232.691998
Impedance based combination of visual and force control322.231998
2D 1/2 visual servoing stability analysis with respect to camera calibration errors60.571998