State University of New York at Albany
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Creating Open Government Data ecosystems: Network relations among governments, user communities, NGOs and the media00.342022
Transnational public sector knowledge networks: A comparative study of contextual distances.00.342018
E-government Support for Administrative Reform in China.00.342017
The Influence Of Institutional Factors On E-Governance Development And Performance: An Exploration In The Russian Federation00.342017
Evolving ICT and governance in organizational networks - Conceptual and theoretical foundations.30.402016
Open Government Data Ecosystems: Linking Transparency for Innovation with Transparency for Participation and Accountability50.442016
Planning and designing open government data programs: An ecosystem approach.30.462016
Exploring the Influence of Contextual Distances on Transnational Public Sector Knowledge Networks: A Comparative Study of AIRNow-I Shanghai and the Hajj-MDSS Initiatives00.342013
Policy informatics: addressing complex problems with rich data, computational tools, and stakeholder engagement00.342013
Understanding the value and limits of government information in policy informatics: a preliminary exploration10.382012
Transnational public sector knowledge networks: Knowledge and information sharing in a multi-dimensional context120.942012
Knowledge and Information Sharing in Transnational Knowledge Networks: A Contextual Perspective80.672011
Transnational digital government research collaborations: purpose, value, challenges00.342011
Promoting international digital government research collaboration: an experiment in community building20.622011
Cultivating the next generation of international digital government researchers: a community-building experiment00.342011
International digital government research: purpose, value, prospects10.372010
Information strategies for open government: challenges and prospects for deriving public value from government transparency423.182010
Stewardship and usefulness: Policy principles for information-based transparency794.542010
Conceptualizing knowledge and information sharing in transnational knowledge networks120.842010
Information Policy Meta-Principles: Stewardship and Usefulness141.902010
Governance in the digital age: A research and action framework for an uncertain future471.892009
Public governance as a socio-technical system: from concept to application10.362009
Plenary panel: digital government research what we have learned about forging successful DG research projects00.342009
A holistic framework for understanding government information access initiatives00.342008
An Exploratory Framework for Future E-Government Research Investments50.942008
Governance in the information age: a research framework for an uncertain future20.462008
Building government IT workforce capacity: a competency framework30.452007
Minitrack: E-Government Organization and Management00.342007
Advancing e-governance: connecting learning and action40.442007
Building a Research-Practice Partnership: Lessons from a Government IT Workforce Study20.562007
Minitrack Introduction00.342006
Challenges of Treating Information as a Public Resource: The Case of Parcel Data30.432006
Sustaining an international DG/E-Gov research community00.342006
Maximizing knowledge for program evaluation: critical issues and practical challenges of ICT strategies30.502006
Overview: building a sustainable international digital government research community00.342006
Exploring Stakeholders' Expectations Of The Benefits And Barriers Of E-Government Knowledge Sharing522.202005
Integration, Innovation, and the Politics of Technology: Emerging Themes from Cross-National eGovernment Research00.342005
Monitoring and Evaluation Measures and Conditions of Success in Public Sector Knowledge Networks00.342005
US-European union collaboration on digital government research: developing new models00.342005
Electronic-Democracy: Minitrack Introduction00.342004
Knowledge networking in the public sector00.342004
Designing electronic government information access programs: a holistic approach232.492004
Exploring the feasibility of a digital government journal10.402004
New models of collaboration for delivering government services: a dynamic model drawn from multi-national research100.702004
Turning to digital government in a crisis: coordinating government, business & nonprofit services in response to the world trade center attacks of September 11, 200100.342004
Designing Government Information Access Programs: A Holistic Approach30.462003
Turning to digital government in a crisis10.632003
Understanding new models of collaboration for delivering government services583.372003
Case Study: Knowledge Networking in the Public Sector00.342003
Finding our future: a research agenda for the research enterprise00.342003
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