YeungNam University Department of Communication & Information 214-1, Dae-dong, Gyeongsan-si Gyeongsangbuk-do 712-0749 South Korea
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Research trends on big data domain using text mining algorithms00.342021
A Scientometric Study Of Digital Literacy, Ict Literacy, Information Literacy, And Media Literacy00.342021
Pattern and trend of scientific knowledge production in North Korea by a semantic network analysis of papers in journal titled technological innovation.00.342020
Investigating the applications of artificial intelligence in cyber security.10.352019
Structural characteristics of institutional collaboration in North Korea analyzed through domestic publications.00.342019
Dynamic capabilities of a smart city: An innovative approach to discovering urban problems and solutions.10.342018
Research evaluation of Asian countries using altmetrics: comparing South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, and China.10.352018
An altmetric investigation of the online visibility of South Korea-based scientific journals.30.402018
Global mapping of artificial intelligence in Google and Google Scholar.20.382017
Mapping a Twitter scholarly communication network: a case of the association of internet researchers' conference.50.442017
Quintuple helix structure of Sino-Korean research collaboration in science.20.392017
Full and fractional counting in bibliometric networks10.352017
Measuring international relations in social media conversations.30.432017
The Normalization of Co-authorship Networks in the Bibliometric Evaluation: The Government Stimulation Programs of China and Korea.100.652016
Tracing interorganizational information networks during emergency response period: A webometric approach to the 2012 Gumi chemical spill in South Korea.10.372016
Theories in communication science: a structural analysis using webometrics and social network approach.30.402016
The emerging viewertariat in South Korea: The Seoul mayoral TV debate on Twitter, Facebook, and blogs.00.342016
Expanding the presidential debate by tweeting: The 2012 presidential election debate in South Korea00.342016
Proving ground for social network analysis in the emerging research area "Internet of Things" (IoT).30.392016
The networked cultural diffusion of Korean wave.40.452015
The hybrid shift: Evidencing a student-driven restructuring of the college classroom.00.342015
A semantic (TRIZ) network analysis of South Korea's “Open Public Data” policy50.512015
Globalization or Decentralization of Hyperlinked Content among Websites: An Examination of Website Co-citations30.402015
The Presence of Hyperlinks on Social Network Sites: A Case Study of Cyworld in Korea30.392014
A routine for measuring synergy in university–industry–government relations: mutual information as a Triple-Helix and Quadruple-Helix indicator70.492014
An exploratory approach to a Twitter-based community centered on a political goal in South Korea: Who organized it, what they shared, and how they acted.150.992014
Mapping Triple Helix innovation in developing and transitional economies: webometrics, scientometrics, and informetrics20.372014
From e-government to social government: Twitter use by Korea's central government.130.642014
Citizens' social media use and homeland security information policy: Some evidences from Twitter users during the 2013 North Korea nuclear test30.412014
An interview with Loet Leydesdorff: the past, present, and future of the triple helix in the age of big data30.452014
Exploring political discussions by Korean twitter users: A look at opinion leadership and homophily phenomenon.00.342014
International coauthorship relations in the Social Sciences Citation Index: Is internationalization leading the Network?40.462014
Can Synergy in Triple-Helix Relations be Quantified? A Review of the Development of the Triple-Helix Indicator.20.372014
A multi-level network analysis of web-citations among the world's universities70.562014
Transition from the Triple Helix to N-Tuple Helices? An interview with Elias G. Carayannis and David F. J. Campbell30.412014
Food policy in cyberspace: A webometric analysis of national food clusters in South Korea30.392014
Mapping election campaigns through negative entropy: Triple and Quadruple Helix approach to South Korea's 2012 presidential election40.422014
Decomposing social and semantic networks in emerging "big data" research.210.832013
International Collaboration in Science: The Global Map and the Network170.952013
The structural relationship between politicians' web visibility and political finance networks: A case study of South Korea's National Assembly members.40.412013
E-campaigning versus the Public Official Election Act in South Korea: Causes, consequences and implications of cyber-exile.30.522013
The e-government research domain: A triple helix network analysis of collaboration at the regional, country, and institutional levels180.832013
Web visibility of scholars in media and communication journals80.572012
The Network Structure of the Korean Blogosphere60.502012
Measuring Twitter-based political participation and deliberation in the South Korean context by using social network and Triple Helix indicators180.962012
A comparison of the Daegu and Edinburgh musical industries: a triple helix approach130.762012
Government organizations' innovative use of the Internet: The case of the Twitter activity of South Korea's Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries140.642012
Has globalization strengthened South Korea's national research system? National and international dynamics of the Triple Helix of scientific co-authorship relationships in South Korea351.502012
Mapping online social networks of Korean politicians110.782012
Exploring the web visibility of world-class universities80.562012
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