Univ British Columbia, Sauder Sch Business, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9, Canada
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The Impact of Trust and Recommendation Quality on Adopting Interactive and Non-Interactive Recommendation Agents: A Meta-Analysis00.342022
BRM: A methodology for improving the practical relevance of belief-based information technology usage theories00.342021
Collaborating With Technology-Based Autonomous Agents Issues And Research Opportunities10.342020
The Perils and Promises of Big Data Research in Information Systems00.342020
An Empirical Investigation Of The Antecedents And Consequences Of Privacy Uncertainty In The Context Of Mobile Apps00.342020
What Drives Subscribing To Premium In Freemium Services? A Consumer Value-Based View Of Differences Between Upgrading To And Staying With Premium00.342020
Organizational buyers' assimilation of B2B platforms: Effects of IT-enabled service functionality.00.342020
Why are we averse towards Algorithms? A comprehensive literature Review on Algorithm aversion.00.342020
The Relative Effect Of The Convergence Of Product Recommendations From Various Online Sources00.342020
The role of demographic similarity in people's decision to interact with online anthropomorphic recommendation agents: Evidence from a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study.00.342020
Do Users Always Want to Know More? Investigating the Relationship between System Transparency and Users' Trust in Advice-Giving Systems.00.342019
Transparency in Advice-Giving Systems - A Framework and a Research Model for Transparency Provision.00.342019
With a little help from my friends: Cultivating serendipity in online shopping environments.00.342019
The Influence Of E-Commerce Live Streaming On Lifestyle Fit Uncertainty And Online Purchase Intention Of Experience Products00.342019
Assessing the design choices for online recommendation agents for older adults: older does not always mean simpler information technology10.352019
Escalation Of Commitment As An Antecedent To Noncompliance With Information Security Policy00.342018
How Do You Handle It? An Investigation of Facebook Affordances and Envy.00.342018
Trustworthiness attribution: Inquiry into insider threat detection.00.342018
An empirical examination of the influence of biased personalized product recommendations on consumers' decision making outcomes.10.352018
Opinion seeking in a social network-enabled product review website: a study of word-of-mouth in the era of digital social networks.00.342018
Effects of Heterogeneity in Board IT Capital on Firm Innovation.00.342017
"Grassroots Internet Celebrity Plus Live Streaming" Activating IT-Mediated Lifestyle Marketing Services at e-Commerce Websites.00.342017
Online Consumers' Attribution of Inconsistency Between Advice Sources.00.342017
Supporting Online Consumers by Identifying Consistency Distance Among Advice Sources.00.342017
Effects of rational and social appeals of online recommendation agents on cognition- and affect-based trust.170.532016
How to Design Interfaces for Product Recommendation Agents to Influence the Purchase of Environmentally-Friendly Products.00.342016
An Exploratory Study of the Formation and Impact of Electronic Service Failures.90.462016
Institutional pressures in security management: Direct and indirect influences on organizational investment in information security control resources10.352015
Designing Warning Messages For Detecting Biased Online Product Recommendations: An Empirical Investigation40.382015
Research Note-Why Following Friends Can Hurt You: An Exploratory Investigation of the Effects of Envy on Social Networking Sites among College-Age Users250.822015
Understanding the effect of knowledge management strategies on knowledge management performance: A contingency perspective.130.632014
Assessing Sunk Cost Effect on Employees' Intentions to Violate Information Security Policies in Organizations00.342014
The Impact Of Listing Location On Visits, Bids, And Final Prices In Online Auctions: A Field Experiment70.442013
Foundations for Investigating the Drivers of the Value Captured by Consumers Embedded within Social Shopping Networks30.372013
IT-Mediated Customer Service Content and Delivery in Electronic Governments: An Empirical Investigation of the Antecedents of Service Quality.381.022013
On the use of neurophysiological tools in is research: developing a research agenda for neurois601.862012
Product-related deception in e-commerce: a theoretical perspective481.462011
Enticing consumers via incomplete product experience: an investigation of online product interactivity designs10.362011
The Effects of Service and Consumer Product Knowledge on Online Customer Loyalty.140.602011
The Adoption of Online Shopping Assistants: Perceived Similarity as an Antecedent to Evaluative Beliefs.240.602011
Information security policy compliance: an empirical study of rationality-based beliefs and information security awareness3557.492010
Outsourcing projects success: the role of competence and leadership of the vendors and clients project managers40.412010
Quality and Fairness of an Information Security Policy As Antecedents of Employees' Security Engagement in the Workplace: An Empirical Investigation50.402010
Assessing Screening and Evaluation Decision Support Systems: A Resource-Matching Approach210.752010
Does Live Help Service Matter? An Empirical Test of the DeLone and McLean's Extended Model in the E-Service Context70.412010
The Early Years of ISR: Recollections of the Editors20.842010
A Comprehensive Model of Perceived Risk of E-Commerce Transactions290.742010
A study of demographic embodiments of product recommendation agents in electronic commerce361.072010
Interaction design for mobile product recommendation agents: Supporting users' decisions in retail stores70.632010
Let's Shop Online Together: An Empirical Investigation of Collaborative Online Shopping Support451.232010
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