DSO National Laboratories, Singapore
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Improved Algebraic Attacks On Lightweight Block Ciphers00.342021
Algebraic Differential Fault Analysis on SIMON Block Cipher10.412019
Lightweight MDS Serial-Type Matrices with Minimal Fixed XOR Count.00.342018
Lightweight MDS Serial-type Matrices with Minimal Fixed XOR Count (Full version).00.342017
An Enhanced Binary Characteristic Set Algorithm and Its Applications to Algebraic Cryptanalysis.00.342017
Human-Readable Proof Of The Related-Key Security Of Aes-12800.342017
Lightweight MDS Involution Matrices.150.802015
FOAM: Searching for Hardware-Optimal SPN Structures and Components with a Fair Comparison180.952014
Parallelisable variants of Camellia and SMS4 block cipher: p-Camellia and p-SMS400.342013
New time-memory-data trade-off attack on the estream finalists and modes of operation of block ciphers20.362012
SPN-hash: improving the provable resistance against differential collision attacks80.602012
Breaking the Estream Finalists and AES Modes of Operation Faster than Exhaustive Search00.342012
Side-Channel Resistant Crypto for Less than 2,300 GE562.032011
A comparison of post-processing techniques for biased random number generators130.922011
Cryptographic properties and application of a Generalized Unbalanced Feistel Network structure120.652011
AES variants secure against related-key differential and boomerang attacks70.622011
EPCBC: a block cipher suitable for electronic product code encryption240.922011
Parallelizing the Camellia and SMS4 Block Ciphers - Extended version.00.342010
Parallelizing the camellia and SMS4 block ciphers50.442010
Cryptographic Properties and Application of a Generalized Unbalanced Feistel Network Structure (Revised Version).00.342009
An Analysis of the Compact XSL Attack on BES and Embedded SMS450.452009
Time-Memory-Data Trade-Off Attack On Stream Ciphers Based On Maiorana-Mcfarland Functions00.342009
Extensions of the Cube Attack Based on Low Degree Annihilators10.352009
Resynchronization Attack on Stream Ciphers Filtered by Maiorana-McFarland Functions00.342009
On a Construction of Short Digests for Authenticating Ad Hoc Networks10.352009
Highly nonlinear balanced S-boxes with improved bound on unrestricted and generalized nonlinearity10.422008
New Applications of Differential Bounds of the SDS Structure10.362008
Applying Time-Memory-Data Trade-Off to Meet-in-the-Middle Attack00.342008
A General Framework for Guess-and-Determine and Time-Memory-Data Trade-Off Attacks on Stream Ciphers00.342008
On an improved correlation analysis of stream ciphers using multi-output Boolean functions and the related generalized notion of nonlinearity00.342008
Side channel attacks on irregularly decimated generators10.482007
An analysis of XSL Applied to BES100.842007
New Construction for Balanced Boolean Functions with Very High Nonlinearity*Parts of this paper was presented at the Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy 2003.00.342007
Linkability of some blind signature schemes00.342007
Generalized correlation analysis of Vectorial Boolean functions40.432007
New Construction For Balanced Boolean Functions With Very High Nonlinearity00.342007
A New Characterization of Semi-bent and Bent Functions on Finite Fields*361.702006
New constructions of universal hash functions based on function sums10.352006
Protecting Cipher Block Chaining Against Adaptive Chosen Plaintext Attack00.342006
The rainbow attack on stream ciphers based on maiorana-mcfarland functions30.422006
Comparison of boolean function design10.372005
Universal hash functions over GF(2n)10.362004
Additive Autocorrelation of Resilient Boolean Functions150.962003
New constructions for resilient and highly nonlinear boolean functions80.662003