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Top of the Class: Mining Product Characteristics Associated with Crowdfunding Success and Failure of Home Robots00.342022
When No One is Watching - Ecological Momentary Assessment to Understand Situated Social Robot Use in Healthcare.10.362021
Remote You, Haru and Me: Exploring Social Interaction in Telepresence Gaming With a Robotic Agent00.342021
'Food' for Human Robot Interaction00.342021
Iterative Design of an Emotive Voice for the Tabletop Robot Haru10.362021
Designing and Developing Better Robots for Children: A Fundamental Human Rights Perspective00.342021
"What Does Your Robot Do?" A Tabletop Role-Playing Game to Support Robot Design00.342021
Teacher Professional Vision in the Work of Co-Design.00.342020
Introduction To The Special Issue On The Mutual Shaping Of Human-Robot Interaction00.342020
Review of Application of Telepharmacy Solutions in the Practice00.342020
Parental Expectations, Concerns, and Acceptance of Storytelling Robots for Children10.342020
Emoji to Robomoji - Exploring Affective Telepresence Through Haru.00.342020
Exploring Creative Contents in Social Robotics00.342020
We're in This Together - Social Robots in Group, Organizational, and Community Interactions.00.342020
Social Robots for Socio-Physical Distancing.10.372020
Designing "Companion Artifacts" - The Relational Construction of Culture and Technology in Social Robotics.00.342020
Effects of Robot-Human versus Robot-Robot behavior and entitativity on anthropomorphism and willingness to interact30.382020
A Three-Site Reproduction of the Joint Simon Effect with the NAO Robot.10.342020
Expressivity for Sustained Human-Robot Interaction.00.342019
Social Agents for Teamwork and Group Interactions (Dagstuhl Seminar 19411).00.342019
A Tactical Urbanist Approach to Facilitate Exploratory HRI Research in Public Spaces.00.342019
Human Group Presence, Group Characteristics, and Group Norms Affect Human-Robot Interaction in Naturalistic Settings.20.642019
I Beg to Differ: Soft Conflicts in Collaborative Design Using Design Fictions00.342019
More than just friends: in-home use and design recommendations for sensing socially assistive robots (SARs) by older adults with depression.30.372019
Understanding Life Transitions - A Case Study of Support Needs of Low-Income Mothers.10.342019
Robots for Inter-Generational Interactions: Implications for Nonfamilial Community Settings20.372019
Getting to Know You: Relationship Between Intergroup Contact and Willingness to Interact.10.412018
Robots That Help - Moving Toward Human-Centered Designs.00.342018
Pop-up Robotics: Facilitating HRI in Public Spaces.00.342018
Sensing Companions: Potential Clinical Uses of Robot Sensor Data for Home Care of Older Adults with Depression.10.362018
Between the Social and the Technical: Negotiation of Human-Centered Robotics Design in a Middle School Classroom.00.342018
Geographically Distributed Deployment of Reproducible HRI Experiments in an Interdisciplinary Research Context.00.342018
Forecasting Hand Gestures for Human-Drone Interaction.00.342018
Visualizing Complex Classrooms Through Real Time Observations.00.342018
"Things are Made to Fail" - Constructive Failures in a Middle School Robotics Curriculum.00.342018
Robots For Us: Organizational and Community Perspectives on the Collaborative Design of Ubiquitous Robots.00.342018
Designing Lifelikeness in Interactive and Robotic Objects.10.372017
Collaborative Map Making: A Reflexive Method for Understanding Matters of Concern in Design Research.00.342017
Steps Toward Participatory Design of Social Robots: Mutual Learning with Older Adults with Depression.90.492017
"All for One and One for All": Systematic Data Collection and Sharing to Advance Socially Assistive Robots.00.342017
A Communal Perspective On Shared Robots As Social Catalysts00.342017
He said, she said, it said: Effects of robot group membership and human authority on people's willingness to follow their instructions00.342017
Moving Apart and Coming Together: Discourse, Engagement, and Deep Learning.00.342017
A Robot a Day Keeps the Blues Away.00.342017
Teammates First: Favoring Ingroup Robots Over Outgroup Humans00.342017
Real-Time, Cloud-Based Object Detection for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles20.512017
Robots in Groups and Teams.30.422017
Threatening Flocks and Mindful Snowflakes: How Group Entitativity Affects Perceptions of Robots.50.422017
How Humanlike Should a Social Robot Be: A User-Centered Exploration.00.342016
Socializing robots: constructing robotic sociality in the design and use of the assistive robot PARO10.352016
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