Rhein Westfal TH Aachen, Aachen, Germany
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Deceptive Logic Locking for Hardware Integrity Protection Against Machine Learning Attacks00.342022
PA-PUF: A Novel Priority Arbiter PUF00.342022
NISTT: A Non-Intrusive SystemC-TLM 2.0 Tracing Tool00.342022
Design and Exploration of an ARC-Coprocessor for LSTM Based Audio Applications00.342022
AMAIX In-Depth: A Generic Analytical Model for Deep Learning Accelerators00.342022
ConvAix: An Application-Specific Instruction-Set Processor for the Efficient Acceleration of CNNs10.432021
An Investigation on Inherent Robustness of Posit Data Representation10.352021
Bridging the Frequency Gap in Heterogeneous 3D SoCs through Technology-Specific NoC Router Architectures00.342021
Challenging the Security of Logic Locking Schemes in the Era of Deep Learning: A Neuroevolutionary Approach30.402021
QFlow: Quantitative Information Flow for Security-Aware Hardware Design in Verilog10.352021
Logic Locking at the Frontiers of Machine Learning: A Survey on Developments and Opportunities00.342021
Modelling Machine Learning Components for Mapping and Scheduling of AUTOSAR Runnables00.342020
3D Optimisation of Software Application Mappings on Heterogeneous MPSoCs.00.342020
Multi-objective optimisation of software application mappings on heterogeneous MPSoCs: TONPET versus R2-EMOA.00.342019
Fast SystemC Processor Models with Unicorn20.402019
A heuristic for multi objective software application mappings on heterogeneous MPSoCs.20.422019
Control-Lock: Securing Processor Cores Against Software-Controlled Hardware Trojans20.412019
Inter-Lock: Logic Encryption for Processor Cores Beyond Module Boundaries00.342019
Efficient Realization of Givens Rotation through Algorithm-Architecture Co-design for Acceleration of QR Factorization.00.342018
AMVP - a high performance virtual platform using parallel systemC for multicore ARM architectures: work-in-progress00.342018
Multi-Scale Code Generation for Simulation-Driven Rapid ADAS Prototyping: the SMELT Approach00.342018
Fully Virtual Rapid ADAS Prototyping via a Joined Multi-domain Co-simulation Ecosystem.00.342018
OHEX: OS-aware hybridization techniques for accelerating MPSoC full-system simulation00.342018
Vlsi Implementation Of Ls-Svm Training And Classification Using Entropy Based Subset-Selection00.342017
Towards Parallelism Extraction for Heterogeneous Multicore Android Devices.10.412017
Black box ESL power estimation for loosely-timed TLM models00.342016
Black Box Power Estimation For Digital Signal Processors Using Virtual Platforms30.402016
Dynamic Many-process Applications on Many-tile Embedded Systems and HPC Clusters: the EURETILE programming environment and execution platforms50.522016
Automatic parallelization and accelerator offloading for embedded applications on heterogeneous MPSoCs.50.482016
Frequency-Aware ESL Power Estimation for ARM Cortex-A9 Using a Black Box Processor Model.20.382016
Enhanced GPU Resource Utilization through Fairness-aware Task Scheduling10.352015
A comparative investigation of device-specific mechanisms for exploiting HPC accelerators00.342015
Application-Specific Architecture Exploration Based on Processor-Agnostic Performance Estimation00.342015
Extraction of Kahn Process Networks from While Loops in Embedded Software00.342015
Deterministic event-based control of Virtual Platforms for MPSoC software debugging00.342015
Parallelism extraction in embedded software for android devices40.712015
Automatic detection of concurrency bugs through event ordering constraints60.462014
VLSI design of a parallel MCMC-based MIMO detector with multiplier-free Gibbs samplers50.732014
VLSI implementation of linear MIMO detection with boosted communications performance: extended abstract10.382014
Pre-architectural performance estimation for ASIP design based on abstract processor models50.582014
Energy-efficiency of floating-point and fixed-point SIMD cores for MIMO processing systems00.342014
Efficient VLSI architectures for matrix inversion in soft-input soft-output MMSE MIMO detectors40.542014
Improving ESL power models using switching activity information from timed functional models20.372014
Technology transfer towards horizon 202020.452014
Technology transfer towards horizon 202020.452014
Creation of ESL power models for communication architectures using automatic calibration180.892013
A compiler infrastructure for embedded heterogeneous MPSoCs60.622013
Efficient Implementation of Application-Aware Spinlock Control in MPSoCs.00.342013
MAPS: Mapping Concurrent Dataflow Applications to Heterogeneous MPSoCs.331.092013
Embedded Real-Time Application Prototyping Using A Hybrid Multiprocessing Platform00.342013
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