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Exploring the Inchworm Problem's Ability to Measure Basic CS Skills00.342021
Looking at CS1 through Three Colour-tinted Glasses00.342021
Learning Transfer in Novice Programmers: A Preliminary Study00.342021
An Inventory of Goals from CS1 Programs Processing a Data Series.00.342021
Toward High Performance Computing Education00.342020
Assessing CS1 Design Skills with a String Manipulation Task00.342020
Extending a CPU Design Project to Reinforce Learning00.342020
Using Consistency to Measure CS1 Student’s Comprehension of User-defined Functions00.342020
High Performance Computing Education: Current Challenges and Future Directions00.342020
Comparing Small Programs for Equivalence: A Code Comprehension Task for Novice Programmers00.342020
High-school students' mastery of basic flow-control constructs through the lens of reversibility.00.342020
Towards an Assessment Rubric for EiPE Tasks in Secondary Education - Identifying Quality Indicators and Descriptors.00.342020
Up or Down?: An Insight into Programmer's Acquisition of Iteration Skills00.342020
Fostering Program Comprehension in Novice Programmers - Learning Activities and Learning Trajectories00.342019
An Exploration of Novice Programmers' Comprehension of Conditionals in Imperative and Functional Programming00.342019
Program Comprehension: Identifying Learning Trajectories for Novice Programmers00.342019
Using unstructured practice plus reflection to develop programming/problem-solving fluency.00.342018
Designing Active Mediated Learning Tasks: Can Small Failures Enhance Student Learning? (Abstract Only).10.402018
Can Novice Programmers Write C Functions?00.342018
Novice Programmers' Reasoning about Reversing Conditional Statements.00.342018
Improving Outcomes for a Masters Capstone IT Project00.342018
Exploring Bebras Tasks Content And Performance: A Multinational Study20.372017
Developing a Holistic Understanding of Systems and Algorithms through Research Papers.10.482017
On the Ability to Reason About Program Behaviour: A Think-Aloud Study.10.372017
A Study of Code Design Skills in Novice Programmers using the SOLO taxonomy.70.552016
Analysis of network-on-chip topologies for cost-efficient chip multiprocessors.20.422016
Reactive circuits: Dynamic construction of circuits for reactive traffic in homogeneous CMPs.00.342016
Concepts in K-9 Computer Science Education.90.702015
Dynamic construction of circuits for reactive traffic in homogeneous CMPs00.342014
Characterization and cost-efficient selection of NoC topologies for general purpose CMPs00.342013
Throughput Fairness in Indirect Interconnection Networks10.362012
On the use of multiplanes on a 2D mesh network-on-chip00.342011
A throughput fairness injection protocol for mesh and torus networks30.502009
Eighth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT 2007), 3-6 December 2007, Adelaide, Australia814.782007
Realistic Evaluation of Interconnection Network Performance at High Loads40.502007
Topic 13 routing and communication in interconnection networks00.342006
Throughput fairness in k-ary n-cube networks30.622006
Dense Gaussian networks: suitable topologies for on-chip multiprocessors160.862006
Understanding Buffer Management for Cut-Through 1D Rings00.342004
Distance-Hereditary Embeddings of Circulant Graphs10.352003
On the Design of a High-Performance Adaptive Router for CC-NUMA Multiprocessors50.482003
Topic 12: Routing and Communication in Interconnection Networks00.342001
Impact of the Head-of-Line Blocking on Parallel Computer Networks: Hardware to Applications10.391999
Ghost packets: a deadlock-free solution for k-ary n-cube networks10.361998
Mad-postman : A Look-ahead Message Propagation Method For Static Bidimensional Meshes.30.461994
The MP1 network chip30.491993
A Perfomance Evaluation of Adaptive Routing in Bidimensional Cut-Through Networks20.391993
The Mp1 Network Chip And Its Application To Parallel Computers20.461993