Univ Manchester, Sch Comp Sci, Manchester M13 9PL, Lancs, England
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On the routing and scalability of MZI-based optical Beneš interconnects00.342021
Relating the Bisection Width of Dual-Port, Server-Centric Datacenter Networks and the Solution of Edge Isoperimetric Problems in Graphs00.342020
INRFlow : an interconnection networks research flow-level simulation framework.00.342019
Enabling Standalone FPGA Computing00.342019
Scalability analysis of optical Beneš networks based on thermally/electrically tuned Mach-Zehnder interferometers00.342019
Enabling shared memory communication in networks of MPSoCs.10.372019
Design Exploration of Multi-tier Interconnection Networks for Exascale Systems00.342019
On the Effects of Allocation Strategies for Exascale Computing Systems with Distributed Storage and Unified Interconnects00.342019
Can the Optimizer Cost be Used to Predict Query Execution Times00.342019
High-Performance, Low-Complexity Deadlock Avoidance for Arbitrary Topologies/Routings.20.422018
Network-on-chip evaluation for a novel neural architecture00.342018
Next generation of Exascale-class systems: ExaNeSt project and the status of its interconnect and storage development.20.372018
Designing Low-Power, Low-Latency Networks-on-Chip by Optimally Combining Electrical and Optical Links60.442017
Handling Physical-Layer Deadlock Caused by Permanent Faults in Quasi-Delay-Insensitive Networks-on-Chip.00.342017
Improved routing algorithms in the dual-port datacenter networks HCN and BCN.20.362017
The stellar transformation: From interconnection networks to datacenter networks.00.342017
A Survey on Optical Network-on-Chip Architectures.40.402017
On the Effects of Data-Aware Allocation on Fully Distributed Storage Systems for Exascale.00.342017
The Next Generation of Exascale-Class Systems: The ExaNeSt Project20.392017
An Optimal Single-Path Routing Algorithm in the Datacenter Network DPillar10.342017
Subchannel Scheduling for Shared Optical On-chip Buses00.342017
A Survey on Design Approaches to Circumvent Permanent Faults in Networks-on-Chip.100.462016
Cyclic Power-Gating as an Alternative to Voltage and Frequency Scaling00.342016
CHO: towards a benchmark suite for OpenCL FPGA accelerators50.542015
Amon: An Advanced Mesh-like Optical NoC80.442015
Project Beehive: A Hardware/Software Co-designed Stack for Runtime and Architectural Research.10.372015
On Routing Algorithms for the DPillar Data Centre Networks.00.342015
Star-Replaced Networks: A Generalised Class of Dual-Port Server-Centric Data Centre Networks00.342015
Accelerating Interconnect Analysis Using High-Level HDLs and FPGA, SpiNNaker as a Case Study00.342015
Deadlock Recovery in Asynchronous Networks on Chip in the Presence of Transient Faults00.342015
Routing Algorithms for Recursively-Defined Data Centre Networks10.362015
Analysis of FPGA and software approaches to simulate unconventional computer architectures00.342015
SpiNNaker: Enhanced multicast routing40.422015
Protecting QDI interconnects from transient faults using delay-insensitive redundant check codes.30.392014
On generating multicast routes for SpiNNaker20.402014
An Asynchronous SDM Network-on-Chip Tolerating Permanent Faults20.372014
SpiNNaker: Fault tolerance in a power- and area- constrained large-scale neuromimetic architecture50.562013
Transient Fault Tolerant QDI Interconnects Using Redundant Check Code30.432013
Population-based routing in the SpiNNaker neuromorphic architecture.80.502012
Analytical Assessment of the Suitability of Multicast Communications for the SpiNNaker Neuromimetic System30.362012
Reservation-based Network-on-Chip Timing Models for Large-scale Architectural Simulation20.372012
Scalable communications for a million-core neural processing architecture60.662012
Managing Burstiness and Scalability in Event-Driven Models on the SpiNNaker Neuromimetic System.90.472012
Indirect cube: A power-efficient topology for compute clusters10.412011
Simulating and evaluating interconnection networks with INSEE241.072011
Reducing complexity in tree-like computer interconnection networks140.802010
SpiNNaker: impact of traffic locality, causality and burstiness on the performance of the interconnection network70.462010
Full-system simulation of distributed memory multicomputers20.412009
Effects of Job and Task Placement on Parallel Scientific Applications Performance130.772009
Understanding the interconnection network of SpiNNaker250.992009
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