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Effective data protection by design through interdisciplinary research methods: The example of effective purpose specification by applying user-Centred UX-design methods00.342022
Finding, getting and understanding: the user journey for the GDPR'S right to access00.342022
Let's Go to the Mall: Investigating the Role of User Experience in Customers' Intention to Use Social Robots in a Shopping Mall00.342022
On technology-assisted energy saving: challenges of digital plumbing in industrial settings00.342022
On Appropriation and Nostalgic Reminiscence of Technology00.342022
Losing Its Touch: Understanding User Perception of Multimodal Interaction and Smart Assistance00.342022
Designing a Mobility Intelligence System for Decision-making with Shared Mobility Data00.342022
Buying the ‘Right’ Thing: Designing Food Recommender Systems with Critical Consumers00.342021
A Consumer Perspective on Privacy Risk Awareness of Connected Car Data Use00.342021
Exploring Future Work - Co-Designing a Human-robot Collaboration Environment for Service Domains00.342020
Maßnahmen zur Steigerung der organisationalen UX-Kompetenz.00.342020
Investigating the use of digital artifacts in a community project of sustainable food practices - 'My chili blossoms'.00.342020
"Miss understandable": a study on how users appropriate voice assistants and deal with misunderstandings00.342020
Die Zukunft der Bushaltestelle vor dem Hintergrund von Mobility-as-a-Service - Eine qualitative Betrachtung des öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs in Deutschland.00.342020
The Role of IS in the Conflicting Interests Regarding GDPR20.392020
Who do you trust - Peers or Technology? A conjoint analysis about computational reputation mechanisms.00.342020
The Unintended Social Consequences of Driverless Mobility Services - How Will Taxi Drivers and their Customers Be Affected?00.342020
Web Tracking Under the New Data Protection Law: Design Potentials at the Intersection of Jurisprudence and HCI00.342020
GDPR Reality Check - Claiming and Investigating Personally Identifiable Data from Companies10.352020
Eco-InfoVis at Work: Role-based Eco-Visualizations for the Industrial Context00.342020
eXplainable AI - Take one Step Back, Move two Steps forward.00.342020
A Wizard of Oz Study on Passengers' Experiences of a Robo-Taxi Service in Real-Life Settings00.342020
Networks of Practices - Exploring Design Opportunities for Interconnected Practices.00.342020
Trust versus Privacy: Using Connected Car Data in Peer-to-Peer Carsharing00.342020
It Is About What They Could Do with the Data: A User Perspective on Privacy in Smart Metering30.442019
Investigating Car Futures from Different Angles.00.342019
Stakeholder-Analyse zum Einsatz IIoT-basierter Frischeinformationen in der Lebensmittelindustrie.00.342019
Going Vegan: The Use of digital Media in vegan Diet Transition00.342019
Digitale Rückverfolgbarkeit von Lebensmitteln - Eine verbraucherinformatische Studie.00.342019
Towards a Network of Practices: Identifying Central Elements to Inform Design00.342019
Digitaler Konsum - Herausforderungen und Chancen der Verbraucherinformatik.00.342019
Webtracking under the New Data Protection Law: Design Potentials at the Intersection of Jurisprudence and HCI00.342019
Assisting Service Robots on their Journey to Become Autonomous Agents: From Apprentice to Master by Participatory Observation00.342019
Using Time and Space Efficiently in Driverless Cars - Findings of a Co-Design Study.00.342019
GDPR-Reality Check on the Right to Access Data: Claiming and Investigating Personally Identifiable Data from Companies00.342019
Mehrseitiges Vertrauen bei IoT-basierten Reputationssystemen.00.342018
Privacy-By-Design für das Connected Car: Architekturen aus Verbrauchersicht.10.402018
UUX-Praxis im Wandel - Usability und User Experience in Zeiten der Digitalisierung.00.342018
Evolving Needs in IoT Control and Accountability: A Longitudinal Study on Smart Home Intelligibility.20.412018
The Users' Perspective on Autonomous Driving - A Comparative Analysis of Partworth Utilities.00.342018
Shared Autonomous Vehicles: Potentials for a Sustainable Mobility and Risks of Unintended Effects.00.342018
Using shopping data to design sustainable consumer apps.00.342017
Second Dashboard: Information Demands in a Connected Car.00.342017
What Happened in my Home?: An End-User Development Approach for Smart Home Data Visualization.40.402017
The Catch(es) with Smart Home: Experiences of a Living Lab Field Study.50.432017
Grounded Design - a praxeological IS research perspective.40.462017
Using, Sharing, and Owning Smart Cars - A Future Scenario Analysis Taking General Socio-Technical Trends into Account.10.352016
Der interne UX-Stammtisch - Entwicklung einer Community of Practice für UX-Professionals im Unternehmen.00.342016
Usability für die betriebliche Praxis: UUX-Praxis in den Kontexten von Morgen.00.342016
Energy saving at work - and when not working! Insights from a comparative study10.352015
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