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BIODICA: a computational environment for Independent Component Analysis of omics data00.342022
Personalized Logical Models To Investigate Cancer Response To Braf Treatments In Melanomas And Colorectal Cancers00.342021
Exact solving and sensitivity analysis of stochastic continuous time Boolean models.00.342020
Cd2sbgnml: Bidirectional Conversion Between Celldesigner And Sbgn Formats (Vol 36, Pg 2620, 2019)00.342020
cd2sbgnml: bidirectional conversion between CellDesigner and SBGN formats.00.342020
Robust and Scalable Learning of Complex Intrinsic Dataset Geometry via ElPiGraph.00.342020
Application of Atlas of Cancer Signalling Network in preclinical studies.00.342019
Community-driven roadmap for integrated disease maps.20.402019
PhysiBoSS: a multi-scale agent-based modelling framework integrating physical dimension and cell signalling.00.342019
Conceptual and computational framework for logical modelling of biological networks deregulated in diseases.00.342019
Metabolic and signalling network map integration: application to cross-talk studies and omics data analysis in cancer00.342019
Assessing reproducibility of matrix factorization methods in independent transcriptomes.10.362019
QuantumClone: clonal assessment of functional mutations in cancer based on a genotype-aware method for clonal reconstruction.00.342018
Robust and scalable learning of data manifolds with complex topologies via ElPiGraph.10.362018
Application of Independent Component Analysis to Tumor Transcriptomes Reveals Specific and Reproducible Immune-Related Signals.00.342018
Signalling maps in cancer research: construction and data analysis.00.342018
Effective normalization for copy number variation in Hi-C data.00.342018
NaviCom: a web application to create interactive molecular network portraits using multi-level omics data.40.412017
MaBoSS 2.0: an environment for stochastic Boolean modeling.30.412017
SV-Bay: structural variant detection in cancer genomes using a Bayesian approach with correction for GC-content and read mappability.40.502016
Mathematical Modelling Of Molecular Pathways Enabling Tumour Cell Invasion And Migration70.612015
DeDaL: Cytoscape 3 app for producing and morphing data-driven and structure-driven network layouts30.412015
NaviCell Web Service for network-based data visualization.70.442015
Multi-factor data normalization enables the detection of copy number aberrations in amplicon sequencing data.40.482014
BiNoM 2.0, a Cytoscape plugin for accessing and analyzing pathways using standard systems biology formats.150.612013
OCSANA: optimal combinations of interventions from network analysis.60.512013
Synthetic lethality between gene defects affecting a single non-essential molecular pathway with reversible steps.00.342013
HMCan: a method for detecting chromatin modifications in cancer samples using ChIP-seq data.60.532013
NaviCell: a web-based environment for navigation, curation and maintenance of large molecular interaction maps.140.632013
ncPRO-seq: a tool for annotation and profiling of ncRNAs in sRNA-seq data.40.442012
Control-FREEC: a tool for assessing copy number and allelic content using next-generation sequencing data.282.382012
Continuous time Boolean modeling for biological signaling: application of Gillespie algorithm.100.662012
Identification of shortened 3' untranslated regions from expression arrays.00.342012
HiTC: exploration of high-throughput 'C' experiments.100.932012
Nebula--a web-server for advanced ChIP-seq data analysis.50.512012
Control-free calling of copy number alterations in deep-sequencing data using GC-content normalization.313.342011
Mathematical Modelling Of Cell-Fate Decision In Response To Death Receptor Engagement351.892010
Dynamical modeling of microRNA action on the protein translation process.40.692010
SVDetect: a tool to identify genomic structural variations from paired-end and mate-pair sequencing data.201.472010
Girafe--an R/Bioconductor package for functional exploration of aligned next-generation sequencing reads.30.602010
Method for Relating Inter-patient Gene Copy Numbers Variations with Gene Expression via Gene Influence Networks00.342009
Regulatory network reconstruction using an integral additive model with flexible kernel functions.60.392008
ITALICS: an algorithm for normalization and DNA copy number calling for Affymetrix SNP arrays.70.662008
Classification of arrayCGH data using fused SVM.281.802008
BiNoM: a Cytoscape plugin for manipulating and analyzing biological networks.251.632008
LICORN: learning cooperative regulation networks from gene expression data.120.782007
Software package for automatic microarray image analysis (MAIA).50.552007
Classification of microarray data using gene networks.935.612007
CAPweb: a bioinformatics CGH array Analysis Platform.100.932006
Ittaca: A New Database For Integrated Tumor Transcriptome Array And Clinical Data Analysis70.892006
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