Zhejiang University, China
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Twistor-Based Adaptive Pose Control of Spacecraft for Landing on an Asteroid With Collision Avoidance00.342022
Consumer motives toward cross-border e-commerce: means-end chain analysis.00.342022
Mosquitocidal efficacy of embelin and its derivatives against Aedes aegypti L. and Culex quinquefasciatus Say. (Diptera: Culicidae) and computational analysis of acetylcholinesterase 1 (AChE1) inhibition00.342022
PICA: Point-wise Instance and Centroid Alignment Based Few-shot Domain Adaptive Object Detection with Loose Annotations00.342022
Dedicated Photoacoustic Imaging Instrument for Human Periphery Blood Vessels: A New Paradigm for Understanding the Vascular Health00.342022
PUF-based Secure Test Wrapper Design for Network-on-Chip00.342022
Real-Time Detection of Lower Limb Training Stability Function Based on Smart Wearable Sensors00.342022
Safe and Energy-Saving Vehicle-Following Driving Decision-Making Framework of Autonomous Vehicles00.342022
ECG-based real-time arrhythmia monitoring using quantized deep neural networks: A feasibility study00.342022
Hybrid Frequency Band Communication Scheme in Device to Device Based on Convolutional Neural Network00.342022
Evaluation of microenvironment cleanliness for computer assisted sperm analysis system based on fusion of neutrosophic feasures00.342022
An Enhanced Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter for Vehicle State Estimation00.342022
Differential diagnosis and feature visualization for thyroid nodules using computer-aided ultrasonic diagnosis system: initial clinical assessment00.342022
When Pairs Meet Triplets: Improving Low-Resource Captioning via Multi-Objective Optimization00.342022
Simulation Analysis of Grounding Characteristics of Cable Based on ATP-EMTP.00.342022
Imbalanced High-Resolution SAR Ship Recognition Method Based on a Lightweight CNN00.342022
Point Cloud Upsampling Algorithm: A Systematic Review00.342022
Hybrid multi-level hardware Trojan detection platform for gate-level netlists based on XGBoost00.342022
A One-step Pseudolinear Kalman Filter for Invasive Target Tracking in Three-dimensional Space.00.342021
Multi-Application Strategy Based on Railway Static Power Conditioner With Energy Storage System10.362021
The Mechanistic, Diagnostic And Therapeutic Novel Nucleic Acids For Hepatocellular Carcinoma Emerging In Past Score Years00.342021
A Battery Soc Estimation Method Based On Affrls-Ekf00.342021
Hardware Trojans Detection Through RTL Features Extraction and Machine Learning10.372021
Universal Pre-Calculating Structure: Reducing Complexity of Ising Chips with Arbitrary Connectivity00.342021
Physical Layer Secure Communications Based on Collaborative Beamforming for UAV Networks: A Multi-objective Optimization Approach30.402021
Vision-Based Scattering Key-Frame Extraction for VideoSAR Summarization00.342020
Time Series Prediction Method Based on Variant LSTM Recurrent Neural Network20.372020
Advances in crop fine classification based on Hyperspectral Remote Sensing00.342019
A full functional Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor prototype for the CEPC vertex detector.00.342019
A Label-Embedding Online Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Algorithm00.342019
A Method for Generating the Weighting Matrixes in Optimal Control Pilot Model00.342019
When Group Buying Meets Wi-Fi Advertising00.342018
Text Emotion Distribution Learning via Multi-Task Convolutional Neural Network.10.362018
Improving Defect Detection Ability of Derived Test Cases Based on Mutated UML Activity Diagrams00.342016
Video anomaly detection based on locality sensitive hashing filters260.732016
Combining motion and appearance cues for anomaly detection310.852016
A high gain decibel-linear programmable gain amplifier of synthetic aperture radar receiver00.342016
A Study of the Commercial Application of Big Data of the International Hotel Group in China: Based on the Case Study of Marriott International00.342015
Estimating Ice Water Path in Tropical Cyclones With Multispectral Microwave Data From the FY-3B Satellite00.342014
A Note on the Square Roots of a Class of Circulant Matrices.00.342013
Restricted -Isometry Properties of Nonconvex Matrix Recovery150.602013
A Predictive Model Of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Stacks For Thermal Mangement00.342013
Research of triple inverted pendulum based on neural network of genetic algorithm10.372012
Design and implementation of sensor nodes for a Wireless Body Area Network30.472011
Gabor-LBP Based Region Covariance Descriptor for Person Re-identification250.992011
The change and analysis of coastline based on remote sensing measurement00.342011
Immune gravitation inspired optimization algorithm50.482011
A Parallel XPath Engine Based on Concurrent NFA Execution60.472010
The retrieval of aerosol over land surfaces from CBERS02B in Beijing area00.342009
Assessment of the Tertiary Industrial Development Level in Lucheng District of Wenzhou00.342009
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