University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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AIgean: An Open Framework for Deploying Machine Learning on Heterogeneous Clusters00.342022
A Framework Integrating FPGAs in VNF Networks00.342021
Interactive Debugging at IP Block Interfaces in FPGAs00.342021
Pharos: a Multi-FPGA Performance Monitor00.342021
Pharos: a Performance Monitor for Multi-FPGA Systems00.342021
Exploring PGAS Communication for Heterogeneous Clusters with FPGAs00.342021
FFIVE: An FPGA Framework for Interactive VNF Environments00.342021
FPGA Implementation of an Improved OMP for Compressive Sensing Reconstruction00.342021
RIFL: A Reliable Link Layer Network Protocol for FPGA-to-FPGA Communication00.342021
Hierarchical Modelling of Generators in Design-Space Exploration00.342020
SHIP: Storage for Hybrid Interconnected Processors00.342020
AIgean: An Open Framework for Machine Learning on Heterogeneous Clusters10.362020
Accelerating Apache Spark with FPGAs.10.382019
The Network Management Unit (NMU) - Securing Network Access for Direct-Connected FPGAs.00.342019
A Modular Heterogeneous Stack for Deploying FPGAs and CPUs in the Data Center.20.382019
Sonar: Writing Testbenches through Python00.342019
Introducing ReCPRI: A Field Re-configurable Protocol for Backhaul Communication in a Radio Access Network00.342019
Multi-fidelity Optimization for High-Level Synthesis Directives00.342018
Hls-Based Fpga Acceleration Of Light Propagation Simulation In Turbid Media00.342018
A High-Level Synthesis Case Study on Light Propagation Simulation in Turbid Media10.392018
Galapagos: A Full Stack Approach to FPGA Integration in the Cloud.20.692018
Designing for FPGAs in the Cloud.30.482018
FPGA-based training of convolutional neural networks with a reduced precision floating-point library10.342017
Enabling network function virtualization over heterogeneous resources.00.342017
Building the Reconfigurable Cloud Ecosystem.00.342017
Task replication and control for highly parallel in-memory stores.00.342017
Enabling Flexible Network FPGA Clusters in a Heterogeneous Cloud Data Center.100.752017
An FPGA-based processor for training convolutional neural networks10.362017
Build fast, trade fast: FPGA-based high-frequency trading using high-level synthesis10.432017
Packet Matching on FPGAs Using HMC Memory: Towards One Million Rules.10.372017
Enabling FPGAs as a True Device in the OpenCL Standard: Bridging the Gap for FPGAs00.342017
Extracting Designs of Secure IPs Using FPGA CAD Tools.00.342016
A Scalable Heterogeneous Dataflow Architecture For Big Data Analytics Using FPGAs (Abstract Only).20.402016
Model-based optimization of High Level Synthesis directives20.382016
Caffeinated FPGAs: FPGA framework For Convolutional Neural Networks60.602016
Accelerating Apache Spark Big Data Analysis with FPGAs10.372016
OpenCL library of stream memory components targeting FPGAs20.392015
Architecture Exploration for Data Intensive Applications00.342015
FPGA implementation of low-power and high-PSNR DCT/IDCT architecture based on adaptive recoding CORDIC10.372015
Exploring pipe implementations using an OpenCL framework for FPGAs30.472015
UT-OCL: an OpenCL framework for embedded systems using xilinx FPGAs30.552015
Expanding OpenFlow Capabilities with Virtualized Reconfigurable Hardware20.362015
Software/Hardware Parallel Long-Period Random Number Generation Framework Based on the WELL Method00.342014
A Heterogeneous GASNet Implementation for FPGA-accelerated Computing10.382014
FPGAs in the Cloud: Booting Virtualized Hardware Accelerators with OpenStack.633.172014
Benefits of Adding Hardware Support for Broadcast and Reduce Operations in MPSoC Applications60.752014
MPack: global memory optimization for stream applications in high-level synthesis10.352014
Zcluster: A Zynq-Based Hadoop Cluster190.932013
SimXMD: Simulation-based HW/SW co-debugging00.342013
Simulation-Based Hw/Sw Co-Debugging For Field-Programmable Systems-On-Chip10.372013
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