Institute of Imaging Science and Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences, Vanderbilt University, TN, USA
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Detection of functional activity in brain white matter using fiber architecture informed synchrony mapping00.342022
High-Density MRI RF Arrays Using Mixed Dipole Antennas and Microstrip Transmission Line Resonators00.342022
Graph theory analysis identified two hubs that connect sensorimotor and cognitive and cortical and subcortical nociceptive networks in the non-human primate00.342022
Dual-Tuned Lattice Balun for Multi-Nuclear MRI and MRS00.342022
Functional Parcellation of Human Brain Using Localized Topo-Connectivity Mapping00.342022
A simple estimate of axon size with diffusion MRI00.342021
Functional Engagement of White Matter in Resting-state Brain Networks.50.402020
Detection of functional networks within white matter using independent component analysis00.342020
Progressive degeneration of white matter functional connectivity in Alzheimer's disease.00.342019
Resting-state white matter-cortical connectivity in non-human primate brain.20.392019
Spinal cord MRI at 7T.60.422018
Voxel-wise detection of functional networks in white matter.30.402018
The VALiDATe29 MRI Based Multi-Channel Atlas of the Squirrel Monkey Brain.30.432017
Functional connectivity and activity of white matter in somatosensory pathways under tactile stimulations.50.482017
A 3D high resolution ex vivo white matter atlas of the common squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus) based on diffusion tensor imaging.10.362016
Reproducibility of resting state spinal cord networks in healthy volunteers at 7 Tesla.80.502016
Fat-water MRI is sensitive to local adipose tissue inflammatory changes in a diet-induced obesity mouse model at 15T00.342015
The effect of echo time and post-processing procedure on blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) functional connectivity analysis.30.402014
Mapping mean axon diameter and axonal volume fraction by MRI using temporal diffusion spectroscopy.170.812014
Quantitative magnetization transfer imaging of human brain at 7 T.70.532013
Layer-specific BOLD activation in awake monkey V1 revealed by ultra-high spatial resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging.20.402013
Functional Networks In Temporal-Lobe Epilepsy: A Voxel-Wise Study Of Resting-State Functional Connectivity And Gray-Matter Concentration20.492013
Using dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging data to constrain a positron emission tomography kinetic model: theory and simulations00.342013
Measuring relative timings of brain activities using fMRI.50.432013
Elastic geodesic paths in shape space of parameterized surfaces.361.132012
Real-Time Compressive Sensing Mri Reconstruction Using Gpu Computing And Split Bregman Methods90.612012
Identification of cortical lamination in awake monkeys by high resolution magnetic resonance imaging.80.912012
Improving measurement of functional connectivity through decreasing partial volume effects at 7 T.60.452012
Classification of mathematics deficiency using shape and scale analysis of 3D brain structures00.342011
Analyzing Fmri Data With Graph-Based Visualizations Of Self-Organizing Maps30.402011
Differentiation of somatosensory cortices by high-resolution fMRI at 7 T.120.792011
Data-driven optimization and evaluation of 2D EPI and 3D PRESTO for BOLD fMRI at 7 Tesla: I. Focal coverage.50.702011
Unified bundling and registration of brain white matter fibers.30.392009
MRI tissue classification and bias field estimation based on coherent local intensity clustering: a unified energy minimization framework.531.992009
FibertoBundle Registration of White Matter Tracts00.342009
Implementation of a Semi-automated Post-processing System for Parametric MRI Mapping of Human Breast Cancer.00.342009
Nonrigid registration algorithm for longitudinal breast MR images and the preliminary analysis of breast tumor response00.342009
A Robust Parametric Method For Bias Field Estimation And Segmentation Of Mr Images411.472009
Implicit Active Contours Driven By Local Binary Fitting Energy2708.782007
Diffusion Tensor Image Smoothing Using Efficient and Effective Anisotropic Filtering10.372007
Constrained non-rigid registration for whole body image registration: method and validation10.372007
Connectivity-behavior analysis reveals that functional connectivity between left BA39 and Broca's area varies with reading ability.261.852006
Automatic Registration Of Whole Body Serial Micro Ct Images With A Combination Of Point-Based And Intensity-Based Registration Techniques90.572006
Automatic inter-subject registration of whole body images40.482006
Multi-modal inter-subject registration of mouse brain images00.342006
Improved fiber tractography with Bayesian tensor regularization.70.672006
A method for determinism in short time series, and its application to stationary EEG.81.902002
Detecting determinism in short time series, with an application to the analysis of a stationary EEG recording.30.772002
Case study: reconstruction, visualization and quantification of neuronal fiber pathways91.572001
Snakes and Splines for Tracking Non-Rigid Heart Motion333.661996