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The Success of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): An Investigation on Course Relevance.00.342022
What Makes a Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Excellent? An Investigation in Business Analytics Courses.00.342021
Image or Text: Which One is More Influential? A Deep-learning Approach for Visual and Textual Data Analysis in the Digital Economy.00.342020
The Role of Service Standardization Capability in Service Innovation: Evidence from the Knowledge-Intensive Service Firms.00.342018
Social Media Response Based Upon Media Richness.00.342018
Using Image-based and Text-based Information for Sales Prediction: A Deep Neural Network Model.00.342018
The Effects of Institution-Based Trust on Community Commitments: A Regulatory Focus Perspective.00.342018
Platform adoption by mobile application developers: A multimethodological approach.60.442018
Online Customer Reviews And Product Sales: The Moderating Role Of Signal Characteristics00.342017
Closing the loop: Empirical evidence for a positive feedback model of IT business value creation.30.392017
An Investigation Of The Effects Of A Graphic Organizer In An Online Serious Game On Learning Outcomes And Attitudinal Perceptions10.352015
The Impact of Mobile Application Information on Application Download: A Text Mining Approach00.342015
Application discoverability and user satisfaction in mobile application stores: An environmental psychology perspective100.482014
An Investigation of the Effects of Different Types of Activities during Pauses in a Segmented Instructional Animation.20.402014
Towards a Theory of Information Technology Platform Adoption.00.342013
An Examination of the Importance of Core Competencies and Relationship Management in IT Outsourcing Agreements: Empirical Evidence from an Eastern Cultural Context30.372013
Mobile Application Development Platform Adoption: A Grounded Theory Investigation.10.342013
An investigation of mobile learning readiness in higher education based on the theory of planned behavior1013.022012
Examining online consumers' behavior: A service-oriented view.180.822012
Exploring the Impact of RFID on Organizational Structure Changes in a Healthcare Setting: An Adaptive Structuration Theory Perspective.20.372011
Conceptualizing the Dynamic Strategic Alignment Competency280.692011
The cognitive selection framework for knowledge acquisition strategies in virtual communities.160.562011
Unified Modeling Language based Analysis of Security Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey.70.482011
The Effects of Application Discoverability on User Benefits in Mobile Application Stores.00.342011
The Commoditization Of It: Evidence From A Longitudinal Text Mining Study40.392011
User satisfaction with Web-based DSS: The role of cognitive antecedents.50.452011
Environmental Uncertainty and Firm Performance: an Empirical Study with Strategic Alignment in the Healthcare Industry.00.342011
An Empirical Comparison of Four Text Mining Methods221.892010
Exploring the linkages between Firm Interactivity, Innovation, and Improved Business Performance.00.342010
Do web sites change customers' beliefs? A study of prior-posterior beliefs in e-commerce40.422009
Investigating the role of attitude in technology acceptance from an attitude strength perspective.270.892009
A social status perspective of network utility over electronic channels in academic communities.20.352008
Refining the IT Business Value Model: Evidence From a Longitudinal Investigation of Healthcare Firms.30.382008
Exploring Decision Rules For Sellers In Business-To-Consumer (B2c) Internet Auctions20.362008
Dynamics of Trust Revision: Using Health Infomediaries651.502008
Information Systems And Healthcare Xxix: Information Technology Investments And Returns - Uniqueness In The Healthcare Industry40.372008
How Well Do E-Commerce Web Sites Support Compensatory And Non-Compensatory Decision Strategies? An Exploratory Study30.392008
Exploring the effect of strategic positioning on firm performance in the e-business context40.432008
An integrated model exploring sellers' strategies in eBay auctions90.572007
Exploring CEOS' Perspectives on the Strategic Importance of IT Using Text Mining: A Longitudinal Investigation.10.352007
A Review Of Single-Item Internet Auction Literature And A Model For Future Research90.622007
An Exploratory Study Of Social Factors Influencing Virtual Community Members' Satisfaction With Avatars120.622007
The effects of incorporating compensatory choice strategies in Web-based consumer decision support systems160.732007
Do e-business strategies matter? The antecedents and relationship with firm performance40.382007
How Consumer Perceptions Of Network Size And Social Interactions Influence The Intention To Adopt Peer-To-Peer Technologies190.752007
Trust in health infomediaries521.592007
Social influence process in the acceptance of a virtual community service351.512006
Internet market strategies: antecedents and implications80.532006
An Investigation of Cognitive Antecedents to Satisfaction Using Web-Based Decision Spport Systems10.352005
A Theoretical Approach to Web Design in E-Commerce: A Belief Reinforcement Model862.442005
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