osaka university
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Bioinspired Legged Robot Design via Blended Physical and Virtual Impedance Control00.342022
Bevel-geared mechanical foot: a bioinspired robotic foot compensating yaw moment of bipedal walking00.342022
Special issue on adaptive motion of animals and machines PREFACE00.342022
Using Conductive Fabrics As Inflation Sensors For Pneumatic Artificial Muscles00.342021
Special Issue on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines PREFACE00.342020
Soft Inductive Tactile Sensor Using Flow-Channel Enclosing Liquid Metal.00.342020
Highly-Integrated Muscle-Spindles for Pneumatic Artificial Muscles Made from Conductive Fabrics.00.342019
Common Dimensional Autoencoder For Learning Redundant Muscle-Posture Mappings Of Complex Musculoskeletal Robots00.342019
Cell Culturing on Electrical Circuit with Printed Electronics Technics00.342019
Anthropomorphic musculoskeletal 10 degrees-of-freedom robot arm driven by pneumatic artificial muscles.00.342018
Reconstructing State-Space from Movie Using Convolutional Autoencoder for Robot Control.00.342018
Modular Robot that Modeled Cell Membrane Dynamics of a Cellular Slime Mold.00.342018
Towards the Exploitation of External Constraints with Robots Actuated by Pneumatic Artificial Muscles00.342018
Constructive understanding and reproduction of functions of gluteus medius by using a musculoskeletal walking robot.00.342018
Using the foot windlass mechanism for jumping higher: A study on bipedal robot jumping.10.632018
Preface: special issue on adaptive motion of animals and machines (1).00.342018
Noise-modulated neural networks as an application of stochastic resonance.20.412018
Development Of Pneumatic Quadrupedal Robot Performing Multiple Gaits By Simple Motor Commands00.342018
A New Concept Of Pneumatic Tactile Sensor Using Pressure Wave Propagation In A Soft Chamber00.342018
Common Dimensional Autoencoder for Identifying Agonist-Antagonist Muscle Pairs in Musculoskeletal Robots.00.342018
Cell Patterning Method by Vibratory Stimuli.00.342017
Development of a Master-Slave Finger Exoskeleton Driven by Pneumatic Artificial Muscles.00.342016
Higher Jumping of a Biped Musculoskeletal Robot with Foot Windlass Mechanism.00.342016
Development of an embedded sensor system for pneumatic artificial muscle proprioceptors00.342016
Mutual Entrainment of Cardiac-Oscillators Through Mechanical Interaction.00.342016
Visualizing Wakes in Swimming Locomotion of Xenopus-Noid by Using PIV10.632015
Parameter Tuning in the Application of Stochastic Resonance to Redundant Sensor Systems00.342015
Bipedal walking with oblique mid-foot joint in foot00.342015
Remodeling Muscle Cells by Inducing Mechanical Stimulus00.342015
Self-organization of a Joint of Cardiomyocyte-Driven Robot.00.342014
A Combined CPG-Stretch Reflex Study on a Musculoskeletal Pneumatic Quadruped.00.342014
Trajectory Control Strategy for Anthropomorphic Robotic Finger.00.342014
Anthropomorphic Finger Mechanism with a Nonelastic Branching Tendon00.342014
Quadrupedal locomotion based on a muscular activation pattern with stretch-reflex00.342014
Improving hopping stability of a biped by muscular stretch reflex10.402014
Experimental study on robotic interactions to the cricket10.352014
Active behavior of musculoskeletal robot arms driven by pneumatic artificial muscles to effectively receive human's direct teaching00.342014
Producing alternating gait on uncoupled feline hindlimbs: muscular unloading rule on a biomimetic robot.10.482014
Controlled Interaction With The Cricket Based On On-Line Pose Estimation Of Mobile Robot20.382013
Active interaction utilizing micro mobile robot and on-line data gathering for experiments in cricket pheromone behavior20.402013
Roll motion control by stretch reflex in a continuously jumping musculoskeletal biped robot.30.452012
Anthropomorphic Muscular-Skeletal Robotic Upper Limb for Understanding Embodied Intelligence.70.872012
Development of a cricket interaction system utilizing mobile robot for behavioral data collection20.442012
Motor development of an pneumatic musculoskeletal infant robot.90.852011
Behavior Change Of Crickets In A Robot-Mixed Society10.362010
3D limit cycle walking of musculoskeletal humanoid robot with flat feet90.722009
Biped robot design powered by antagonistic pneumatic actuators for multi-modal locomotion463.612008
Unique association between self-occlusion and double-touching towards binding vision and touch40.532007
Terrain Negotiation Of A Compliant Biped Robot Driven By Antagonistic Artificial Muscles30.552007
Controlling the Walking Period of a Pneumatic Muscle Walker211.832006
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