Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
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Instruction Sequence Identification and Disassembly Using Power Supply Side-Channel Analysis00.342020
Side-Channel Power Resistance For Encryption Algorithms Using Implementation Diversity00.342020
SRACARE: Secure Remote Attestation with Code Authentication and Resilience Engine00.342020
Implementation-Based Design Fingerprinting for Robust IC Fraud Detection.00.342019
Trust-Based Framework For Resilience To Sensor-Targeted Attacks In Cyber-Physical Systems00.342018
Design-Based Fingerprinting Using Side-Channel Power Analysis for Protection Against IC Piracy.00.342018
BiNMAC: Binarized neural Network Manycore ACcelerator.10.352018
America Walks, a Cross-platform Mobile ResearchKit Study of Walking Behavior Based on Passive Step Tracking.00.342017
And Now for Something Completely Different: Successful Career Transformations in Biomedical and Health Informatics.00.342017
Beyond ResearchKit: User Engagement with Phendo, a Novel App for Self-tracking and Research.00.342017
Cross-Level Detection Framework for Attacks on Cyber-Physical Systems.00.342017
Gait analysis for fall prediction using hierarchical textile-based capacitive sensor arrays10.342015
Simulation Based Framework for Accurately Estimating Dynamic Power-Supply Noise and Path Delay20.382014
Framework for dynamic estimation of power-supply noise and path delay.10.412013
Scalable dynamic technique for accurately predicting power-supply noise and path delay80.542013
Current testing: Dead or alive?00.342013
A Nine-Level Inverter Topology For Medium-Voltage Induction Motor Drive With Open-End Stator Winding120.852013
Localizing the internet: implications of and challenges in geo-locating everything digital10.362011
TrialX: Using semantic technologies to match patients to relevant clinical trials based on their Personal Health Records80.672010
Semantic classification and dependency parsing enabled automated bio-molecular event extraction from text00.342010
A Five-Level Inverter Scheme for a Four-Pole Induction Motor Drive by Feeding the Identical Voltage-Profile Windings From Both Sides100.932010
A Combination of Hexagonal and 12-Sided Polygonal Voltage Space Vector PWM Control for IM Drives Using Cascaded Two-Level Inverters111.552009
Research Paper: Using Semantic and Structural Properties of the Unified Medical Language System to Discover Potential Terminological Relationships10.342009
BioEve: bio-molecular event extraction from text using semantic classification and dependency parsing50.482009
Computing OWL Ontology Decompositions Using Resolution10.352007
Matching patient records to clinical trials using ontologies483.172007
Securing Designs against Scan-Based Side-Channel Attacks582.372007
A View of OWL From the Field: Use-cases and Experiences70.722006
Defect Simulation Methodology for iDDT Testing120.962006
Issues in Representing Biological and Clinical Phenotypes Using the Formal Models00.342006
Securing Scan Design Using Lock and Key Technique272.292005
Defect Detection Using Quiescent Signal Analysis00.342005
Personalization Using Hybrid Data Mining Approaches in E-Business Applications20.402004
On-Chip Impulse Response Generation for Analog and Mixed-Signal Testing70.622004
Fault Simulation Model for i{DDT} Testing: An Investigation30.832004
Provisioning Resilient, Adaptive Web Services-based Workflow: A Semantic Modeling Approach70.712004
Compositional knowledge management for medical services on semantic web80.762004
Characterizing Quality of Knowledge on Semantic Web211.682004
SEM-Ether: semantic web based pervasive computing framework - integrating web, devices and people00.342004
BEE-SMART - A Natural Language Interface For Knowledge Retrieval and Service Execution over the Semantic Web200.342004
Defect detection under Realistic Leakage Models using Multiple IDDQ Measurement10.502004
Towards intelligent Web services for automating medical service composition90.502004
OntoKhoj: a semantic web portal for ontology searching, ranking and classification865.302003
Defect Diagnosis Using a Current Ratio Based Quiescent Signal Analysis Model for Commercial Power Grids30.572003
Power supply transient signal analysis for defect-oriented test71.092003
Detecting delay faults using power supply transient signal analysis80.812001
Power supply transient signal integration circuit20.452001
A Process and Technology-Tolerant IDDQ Method for IC Diagnosis70.762001