Intelligent Machines Laboratory|Dipartimento di Ingegneria|University of Parma
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A Scalable Distributed System for Precision Irrigation00.342020
A Smart Precision-Agriculture Platform for Linear Irrigation Systems10.392018
Integration of a stereo vision system into an autonomous underwater vehicle for pipe manipulation tasks.20.392017
Detection of Nuclear Sources by UAV Teleoperation Using a Visuo-Haptic Augmented Reality Interface.30.422017
A novel calibration method for industrial AGVs.10.382017
Evaluation of Iterative Methods on Large Markov Chains Generated by GSPN Models.00.342017
A KinFu based approach for robot spatial attention and view planning.40.422016
Object interaction and task programming by demonstration in visuo-haptic augmented reality00.342016
GMM-based detection of human hand actions for robot spatial attention00.342015
MARIS: A national project on marine robotics for interventions30.432014
Unsupervised Range Image Segmentation and Object Recognition Using Feature Proximity and Markov Random Field00.342014
Perception and Grasping of Object Parts from Active Robot Exploration40.462014
Programming manipulation tasks by demonstration in visuo-haptic augmented reality30.372014
An Affordance Sensitive System for Robot to Human Object Handover.100.742014
A scan matching method based on the area overlap of star-shaped polygons.00.342013
Functional Principal Component Analysis For Recognition Of Arm Gestures And Humanoid Imitation30.422013
Assessment of the Wiimote as a Tangible User Interface for Interactive Virtual Environments00.342013
Towards the Integrated Simulation and Programming of Palletizing Lines.00.342012
Semi-static Object Detection using Polygonal Maps for Safe Navigation of Industrial Robots.00.342012
Object Categorization And Grasping By Parts From Range Scan Data120.662012
A 3D shape segmentation approach for robot grasping by parts130.572012
Grasp programming by demonstration in virtual reality with automatic environment reconstruction40.422012
Learning Manipulation Tasks from Human Demonstration and 3D Shape Segmentation.20.362012
Towards Manufacturing Execution Systems for the Food and Beverage Packaging Industry.00.342012
Comfortable robot to human object hand-over.120.832012
Physics-based virtual reality for task learning and intelligent disassembly planning70.482011
Part-based robot grasp planning from human demonstration.100.552011
Manipulation planning of similar objects by part correspondence10.372011
A multi-hypothesis constraint network optimizer for maximum likelihood mapping.10.352011
A distributed maximum likelihood algorithm for multi-robot mapping.10.372010
Interactive teaching of task-oriented robot grasps160.812010
An Integrated Tool Suite for Simulation and Programming of Palletizing Units.10.632010
A parallel maximum likelihood algorithm for robot mapping10.362009
On the potential of physics-based animation for task programming in virtual reality10.352009
Efficient planning of disassembly sequences in physics-based animation20.382009
Metric-topological maps from laser scans adjusted with incremental tree network optimizer20.372009
A Desktop Virtual Reality System with Physical Animation and Glove Interaction10.362008
Robot grasp synthesis from virtual demonstration and topology-preserving environment reconstruction130.822007
Addressing Complexity Issues In A Real-Time Particle Filter For Robot Localization00.342007
Grasp Recognition In Virtual Reality For Robot Pregrasp Planning By Demonstration281.822006
Yara: A Software Framework Enhancing Service Robot Dependability40.532005
Trajectory clustering and stochastic approximation for robot programming by demonstration170.772005
Telerobotic systems design based on real-time CORBA30.442005
An open object oriented path planning system00.342005
Designing Telerobotic Systems as Distributed CORBA-Based Applications10.532003
An experimental evaluation of collision detection packages for robot motion planning141.332002
Parallel path planning with multiple evasion strategies60.852002
A software framework based on real-time CORBA for telerobotic systems70.702002
Heuristic methods for randomized path planning in potential fields101.102001
Experiments in robust bistatic sonar object classification for local environment mapping30.422001
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