IMEC and The Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
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Adaptive Mapping and Parameter Selection Scheme to Improve Automatic Code Generation for GPUs00.342014
Fast multidimension multichoice knapsack heuristic for MP-SoC runtime management240.952011
Ultra low energy Domain Specific Instruction-set Processor for on-line surveillance20.402010
Energy-performance Exploration of a CGA-based SDR Processor80.672009
Performance Analysis of Slotted Carrier Sense IEEE 802.15.4 Medium Access Layer783.822008
Storage Estimation and Design Space Exploration Methodologies for the Memory Management of Signal Processing Applications60.472008
How to Live with Uncertainties: Exploiting the Performance Benefits of Self-Timed Logic In Synchronous Design00.342008
Bit-Width Constrained Memory Hierarchy Optimization for Real-Time Video Systems10.362007
Incremental hierarchical memory size estimation for steering of loop transformations90.672007
Fast memory footprint estimation based on maximal dependency vector calculation40.412007
Yield prediction for architecture exploration in nanometer technology nodes:: a model and case study for memory organizations30.452006
Loop Transformation Methodologies for Array-Oriented Memory Management40.492006
A combined DMA and application-specific prefetching approach for tackling the memory latency bottleneck170.722006
Eliminating CPU overhead for on-the-fly content adaptation with MPEG-4 wavelet subdivision surfaces50.612006
System-level process variability compensation on memory organizations of dynamic applications: a case study80.592006
Improving superword level parallelism support in modern compilers90.722005
Mapping the MPEG-4 visual texture decoder: a system-level design technique based on heterogeneous platforms20.392005
A system-level methodology for fully compensating process variability impact of memory organizations in periodic applications140.822005
Energy Efficient Memory Architecture for High Speed Decoding of Block Turbo-Codes with the Fang-Buda Algorithm00.342005
Cache Conscious Data Layout Organization for Conflict Miss Reduction in Embedded Multimedia Applications150.682005
A Complete Network-On-Chip Emulation Framework593.132005
Object-Distribution Analysis for Program Decomposition and Re-Clustering10.362005
Spatial division multiplexing: a novel approach for guaranteed throughput on NoCs251.362005
Optimizing the Memory Bandwidth with Loop Morphing40.422004
Storage requirement estimation for optimized design of data intensive applications130.582004
Combined Application of Data Transfer and Storage Optimizing Transformations and Subword Parallelism Exploitation for Power Consumption and Execution Time Reduction in VLIW Multimedia Processors10.392004
SDRAM-Energy-Aware Memory Allocation for Dynamic Multi-Media Applications on Multi-Processor Platforms70.672003
A scalable MPEG-4 wavelet-based visual texture compression system with optimized memory organization20.372003
Memory Power Reduction for High-Speed Implementation of Turbo Codes10.412003
Estimating influence of data layout optimizations on SDRAM energy consumption70.612003
Systematic Application of Data Transfer and Storage Optimizing Code Transformations for Power Consumption and Execution Time Reduction in ACROPOLIS: A Pre-Compiler for Multimedia Applications10.352003
Global interconnect trade-off for technology over memory modules to application level: case study90.752003
Data Reuse Exploration Techniques for Loop-Dominated Applications211.112002
System-level exploration of association table implementations in telecom network applications20.432002
System-level performance optimization of the data queueing memory management in high-speed network processors111.002002
Systematic Address and Control Code Transformations for Performance Optimisation of a MPEG-4 Video Decoder80.512002
Interconnect exploration for future wire dominated technologies00.342002
Dynamic memory management methodology applied to embedded telecom network systems20.542002
Systematic power-performance trade-off in MPEG-4 by means of selective function inlining steered by address optimisation opportunities20.382002
Analyzing energy friendly steady state phases of dynamic application execution in terms of sparse data structures40.532002
Multi-objective abstract data type refinement for mapping tables in telecom network applications20.522002
Systematic speed-power memory data-layout exploration for cache controlled embedded multimedia applications60.582001
Data and memory optimization techniques for embedded systems2119.472001
Cache conscious data layout organization for embedded multimedia applications201.922001
Task concurrency management methodology summary20.422001
The Local Wavelet Transform: a memory-efficient, high-speed architecture optimized to a Region-Oriented Zero-Tree coder150.972000
Extended design reuse trade-offs in hardware-software architecture mapping00.342000
Analysis of high-level address code transformations for programmable processors251.182000
A Specification Refinement Methodology for Power Efficient Partitioning of Data-Dominated Algorithms Within Performance Constraints10.362000
System-Level Energy-Delay Exploration for Multimedia Applications on Embedded Cores with Hardware Cache30.501999
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