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Good for use, but better for choice: A relative model of competing social networking services00.342021
Calculus interdependency, personality contingency, and causal asymmetry: Toward a configurational privacy calculus model of information disclosure00.342021
When digitalized customers meet digitalized services: A digitalized social cognitive perspective of omnichannel service usage00.342020
Understanding the role of technology attractiveness in promoting social commerce engagement: Moderating effect of personal interest.30.392019
Understanding students’ engagement in MOOCs: An integration of self-determination theory and theory of relationship quality: Understanding students’ engagement in MOOCs00.342019
Social Attachment, Life Satisfaction And Sns Continuance: A Dual-Role Perspective00.342019
An adaptive weight vector guided evolutionary algorithm for preference-based multi-objective optimization.40.392019
Knowledge withholding in online knowledge spaces: Social deviance behavior and secondary control perspective00.342019
Just Being There Matters Investigating The Role Of Sense Of Presence In Like Behaviors From The Perspective Of Symbolic Interactionism00.342019
A value-justice model of knowledge integration in wikis: The moderating role of knowledge equivocality.40.392018
Channel integration quality, perceived fluency and omnichannel service usage: The moderating roles of internal and external usage experience.40.382018
Wearable Health Information Systems Intermittent Discontinuance: A Revised Expectation-Disconfirmation Model60.402018
Understanding the trust building mechanisms in social media: Regulatory effectiveness, trust transfer, and gender difference.10.352018
A New Evolutionary Algorithm Based On Moea/D For Portfolio Optimization10.342018
A hybrid particle swarm optimization algorithm using adaptive learning strategy.250.662018
Understanding users' switching behavior of mobile instant messaging applications: An empirical study from the perspective of push-pull-mooring framework.130.532017
Understanding The Factors Influencing The Online Group Buying Behavior From A Pull - Push Perspective00.342016
Understanding the Factors Affecting Users' Like Intentions in Social Network Services: A Multi-dimensional Value Perspective.10.352016
Herd behavior in consumers' adoption of online reviews.50.452016
Knowledge Quality of Collaborative Editing in Wikipedia: an Integrative Perspective of Social Capital and Team Conflict00.342015
Knowledge Withholding in Online Brand Community: A Neutralization Perspective00.342015
Promoting sales of online games through customer engagement160.582015
Location information disclosure in location-based social network services: Privacy calculus, benefit structure, and gender differences.110.572015
Understanding Users’ Acceptance of Competitive Social Media: A Relative Model00.342015
Understanding Information Adoption in Online Review Communities: The Role of Herd Factors10.352014
Exploring online social behavior in crowdsourcing communities: A relationship management perspective.40.372014
Understanding Social Commerce Intention: A Relational View50.392014
Perceived Benefits, Privacy Risks, and Perceived Justice in Location Information Disclosure: a Moderated Mediation Analysis.10.352014
Relational Capital and Performance: Assessing the Mediating Role of Supply Chain Agility and the Moderating Role of Environmental Contexts00.342014
What leads students to adopt information from Wikipedia? An empirical investigation into the role of trust and information usefulness150.562013
Perceived critical mass and collective intention in social media-supported small group communication190.572013
Why People Adopt Social Networking-based Mobile Data Service - A Fit Perspective.00.342013
Recommendations from friends anytime and anywhere: toward a model of contextual offer and consumption values.50.422013
Transition of electronic word-of-mouth services from web to mobile context: A trust transfer perspective330.702013
Unleash the Power of Mobile Word-of-Mouth: An Empirical Study of System and Information Characteristics in Ubiquitous Decision Making.00.342013
How social influence affects we-intention to use instant messaging: The moderating effect of usage experience350.922011
Exploring the Moderating Effect of Information Inconsistency in a Trust-Based Online Shopping Model10.362010
An Investigation into Contribution I-Intention and We-Intention in Open Web-Based Encyclopedia: Roles of Joint Commitment and Mutual Agreement.40.382009
The Power of We: Using Instant Messaging for Student Group Project Discussion20.372008
We-Intention to use Instant Messaging for Collaborative Work: The Moderating Effect of Experience00.342007
Let`s Work Together! We-Intention to Use Instant Messaging for E-Collaboration.20.402007