School of information, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics, Hangzhou, China
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Understanding mobile learning continuance from an online-cum-offline learning perspective: a SEM-neural network method00.342022
Exploring Donor'S Intention In Charitable Crowdfunding: Intrinsic And Extrinsic Motivations00.342021
The role of perceived integration in WeChat usages for seeking information and sharing comments: A social capital perspective00.342021
Effects Of Interactivity On Continuance Intention Of Government Microblogging Services: An Implication On Mobile Social Media00.342020
Does Similarity Matter? The Impact of User Similarity on Online Collaborative Shopping.00.342020
Does the review deserve more helpfulness when its title resembles the content? Locating helpful reviews by text mining10.372020
Mobile social media use intention in emergencies among Gen Y in China: An integrative framework of gratifications, task-technology fit, and media dependency.00.342019
Why do college students continue to use mobile learning? Learning involvement and self-determination theory.20.372019
Explaining and Predicting Mobile Government Microblogging Services Participation Behaviors: A SEM-Neural Network Method.00.342019
Roles of Review Numerical and Textual Characteristics on Review Helpfulness Across Three Different Types of Reviews.00.342019
Understanding Online Review Helpfulness In Omnichannel Retailing00.342019
Research Front Detection and Topic Evolution Based on Topological Structure and the PageRank Algorithm.30.372019
The relationship between soft information in loan titles and online peer-to-peer lending: evidence from RenRenDai platform.00.342019
Consumer'S Intention To Use Self-Service Parcel Delivery Service In Online Retailing: An Empirical Study00.342018
Effects of perceived online-offline integration and internet censorship on mobile government microblogging service continuance: A gratification perspective.00.342018
Perceived values on mobile GMS continuance: A perspective from perceived integration and interactivity.00.342018
Service cooperation and marketing strategies of infomediary and online retailer with eWOM effect40.472016
Role of transfer-based and performance-based cues on initial trust in mobile shopping services: a cross-environment perspective.100.452016
Exploring the dual outcomes of mobile social networking service enjoyment: The roles of social self-efficacy and habit.70.432016
Understanding Consumers' Web-Mobile Shopping Extension Behavior: A Trust Transfer Perspective.20.362015
Understanding consumers' mobile channel continuance: an empirical investigation of two fitness mechanisms80.442015
The effects of differences between e-commerce and m-commerce on the consumers' usage transfer from online to mobile channel10.352015
Integration And Consistency Between Web And Mobile Services100.462014
The benefits and dangers of flow experience in high school students' internet usage: The role of parental support.10.352014
Why do consumers adopt online channel? An empirical investigation of two channel extension mechanisms160.622013
An empirical investigation of mobile services' cross-category promotions10.352013
Mobile payment services adoption across time: An empirical study of the effects of behavioral beliefs, social influences, and personal traits731.362012
Does Context Matter? The Impact Of Use Context On Mobile Internet Adoption180.622012
Empirical investigation of customers' channel extension behavior: Perceptions shift toward the online channel150.642011
Dynamics between the trust transfer process and intention to use mobile payment services: A cross-environment perspective801.482011
A study on factors that affect users' behavioral intention to transfer usage from the offline to the online channel291.142011