Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, Singapore
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Simulation-enabled development lot journey smoothening in a fully-utilised semiconductor manufacturing line.00.342016
Enhancement of simulation-based semiconductor manufacturing forecast quality through hybrid tool down time modeling00.342014
Automatic model verification for semiconductor manufacturing simulation.00.342013
Initial provisioning and spare parts inventory network optimisation in a multi maintenance base environment00.342012
Cycle time simulation study for cluster tool operation in IC fabrication.00.342011
A survey of challenges in modelling and decision-making for discrete event logistics systems90.702011
Special Issue on Grand Challenges for Discrete Event Logistics Systems00.342011
Making use of prognostics health management information for aerospace spare components logistics network optimisation50.512011
Implementation of a simulation-based short-term lot arrival forecast in a mature 200mm semiconductor fab30.462011
Grand Challenges in Discrete Event Logistics Systems.00.342010
10102 Executive Summary -- Grand Challenges for Discrete Event Logistics Systems.00.342010
10102 Abstracts Collection -- Grand Challenges for Discrete Event Logistics Systems.00.342010
Towards realization of a high-fidelity simulation model for short-term horizon forecasting in wafer fabrication facilities91.332010
Unlocking value from component exchange contracts in aviation using simulation-based optimisation40.612010
Symbiotic Simulation Control in Semiconductor Manufacturing110.942008
An optimization framework for waferfab performance enhancement20.372008
Preventive what-if analysis in symbiotic simulation50.512008
Simulation analysis of cluster tool operations in wafer fabrication10.442008
Distributed simulation in industry - a real-world necessity or ivory tower fancy?: panel50.522007
Symbiotic simulation for business process re-engineering in high-tech manufacturing and service networks60.642007
About the need for distributed simulation technology for the resolution of real-world manufacturing and logistics problems80.692006
Development and analysis of a customer-demand-driven semiconductor supply chain model using the High Level Architecture70.622006
Distributed Simulation in Manufacturing and Logistics00.342006
Simulation Analysis on the Impact of Furnace Batch Size Increase in a Deposition Loop40.522006
Interoperating AutoSched AP using the High Level Architecture140.952005
An integrated and adaptive decision-support framework for high-tech manufacturing and service networks140.912005
Application of multi-objective simulation-optimization techniques to inventory management problems80.662005
An agent-based approach for managing symbiotic simulation of semiconductor assembly and test operation251.882005
Analysis of a borderless fab scenario in a distributed simulation testbed60.772004
Panel on future challenges in modeling methodology20.422004
Analysis of a customer demand driven semiconductor supply chain in a distributed simulation test bed80.742004
Analysis and enhancement of planning and scheduling applications in a distributed simulation testbed30.532004
Future of the simulation industry, panel: the future of the simulation industry31.342003
Distributed Supply Chain Simulation as a Decision Support Tool for the Semiconductor Industry181.562003
The process of process reengineering: integration of discrete event simulation models with framework-based business applications50.722003
Simulation test bed for manufacturing analysis: benchmarking of a stochastic production planning model in a simulation testbed20.622003
Supply chain opportunities: panel session: opportunities for simulation in supply chain management100.852002
Distributed simulation with incorporated APS procedures for high-fidelity supply chain optimization221.772001