Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Ulsan, Korea
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Architecture-Accuracy Co-optimization of ReRAM-based Low-cost Neural Network Processor00.342020
Learning To Predict Ir Drop With Effective Training For Reram-Based Neural Network Hardware00.342020
Successive Log Quantization for Cost-Efficient Neural Networks Using Stochastic Computing30.402019
Double MAC on a DSP: Boosting the Performance of Convolutional Neural Networks on FPGAs40.482019
Efficient FPGA implementation of local binary convolutional neural network.00.342019
An Efficient and Accurate Stochastic Number Generator Using Even-Distribution Coding.10.362018
Architecture Exploration of Standard-Cell and FPGA-Overlay CGRAs Using the Open-Source CGRA-ME Framework.20.372018
FPGA implementation of convolutional neural network based on stochastic computing10.352017
Double MAC: Doubling the performance of convolutional neural networks on modern FPGAs.30.412017
A New Stochastic Computing Multiplier with Application to Deep Convolutional Neural Networks.60.532017
Design space exploration of FPGA accelerators for convolutional neural networks.40.452017
Dynamic energy-accuracy trade-off using stochastic computing in deep neural networks.291.452016
Mapping Imperfect Loops to Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architectures.00.342016
Efficient Fpga Acceleration Of Convolutional Neural Networks Using Logical-3d Compute Array181.002016
An energy-efficient random number generator for stochastic circuits100.672016
Optimizing stream program performance on CGRA-based systems30.412015
Improving performance of loops on DIAM-based VLIW architectures00.342014
Design and optimization for embedded and real-time computing systems and applications.00.342014
Configurable range memory for effective data reuse on programmable accelerators00.342014
Efficient Software-Based Runtime Binary Translation for Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architectures00.342014
Architecture customization of on-chip reconfigurable accelerators10.352013
Evaluator-executor transformation for efficient pipelining of loops with conditionals.20.372013
A 1.2 V 30 nm 3.2 Gb/s/pin 4 Gb DDR4 SDRAM With Dual-Error Detection and PVT-Tolerant Data-Fetch Scheme.50.712013
Software-based register file vulnerability reduction for embedded processors10.352013
Compiling control-intensive loops for CGRAs with state-based full predication120.612013
Fast shared on-chip memory architecture for efficient hybrid computing with CGRAs70.502013
PICA: Processor Idle Cycle Aggregation for Energy-Efficient Embedded Systems00.342012
Improving performance of nested loops on reconfigurable array processors221.062012
Return Data Interleaving for Multi-Channel Embedded CMPs Systems20.372012
Exploiting both pipelining and data parallelism with SIMD reconfigurable architecture20.372012
A 1.2V 30nm 3.2Gb/s/pin 4Gb DDR4 SDRAM with dual-error detection and PVT-tolerant data-fetch scheme.90.712012
I2CRF: Incremental interconnect customization for embedded reconfigurable fabrics.00.342011
High Throughput Data Mapping for Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architectures130.652011
CRM: Configurable Range Memory for Fast Reconfigurable Computing20.472011
Memory access optimization in compilation for coarse-grained reconfigurable architectures60.492011
Static Analysis of Register File Vulnerability140.772011
Fast graph-based instruction selection for multi-output instructions10.372011
Memory-Aware application mapping on coarse-grained reconfigurable arrays90.612010
Binary acceleration using coarse-grained reconfigurable architecture80.622010
Operation and data mapping for CGRAs with multi-bank memory120.602010
A Compiler-Microarchitecture Hybrid Approach to Soft Error Reduction for Register Files120.772010
A software solution for dynamic stack management on scratch pad memory170.672009
Static analysis to mitigate soft errors in register files90.692009
A software-only solution to use scratch pads for stack data80.542009
FSAF: file system aware flash translation layer for NAND flash memories50.762009
Compiler-managed register file protection for energy-efficient soft error reduction30.432009
SDRM: simultaneous determination of regions and function-to-region mapping for scratchpad memories250.842008
Static analysis of processor stall cycle aggregation20.402008
Evaluating Memory Architectures For Media Applications On Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architectures50.522008
Hanmadang: entertainment systems for massive face-to-face interaction00.342008
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