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GNN4REL: Graph Neural Networks for Predicting Circuit Reliability Degradation00.342022
A Novel Attack Mode on Advanced Technology Nodes Exploiting Transistor Self-Heating00.342022
Electrothermal Simulation and Optimal Design of Thermoelectric Cooler Using Analytical Approach00.342022
Machine Learning for Test, Diagnosis, Post-Silicon Validation and Yield Optimization00.342022
On Extracting Reliability Information from Speed Binning00.342022
Variability-Aware Approximate Circuit Synthesis via Genetic Optimization00.342022
Impact of NCFET Technology on Eliminating the Cooling Cost and Boosting the Efficiency of Google TPU00.342022
Reliable Binarized Neural Networks on Unreliable Beyond Von-Neumann Architecture00.342022
Scalable Machine Learning to Estimate the Impact of Aging on Circuits Under Workload Dependency10.362022
Software-Managed Read and Write Wear-Leveling for Non-Volatile Main Memory10.352022
Advanced Thermal Management using Approximate Computing and On-Chip Thermoelectric Cooling00.342022
Real-Time Full-Chip Thermal Tracking: A Post-Silicon, Machine Learning Perspective00.342022
A Novel Approach to Mitigate Power Side-Channel Attacks for Emerging Negative Capacitance Transistor Technology00.342022
MLCAD: A Survey of Research in Machine Learning for CAD Keynote Paper00.342022
Modeling TPU Thermal Maps Under Superlattice Thermoelectric Cooling00.342022
A Framework for Crossing Temperature-Induced Timing Errors Underlying Hardware Accelerators to the Algorithm and Application Layers00.342022
Characterizing Approximate Adders and Multipliers for Mitigating Aging and Temperature Degradations00.342022
Thermal-Aware Design for Approximate DNN Accelerators00.342022
Intelligent Methods for Test and Reliability00.342022
Cross-layer FeFET Reliability Modeling for Robust Hyperdimensional Computing00.342022
PROTON: Post-Synthesis Ferroelectric Thickness Optimization for NCFET Circuits00.342021
Brain-Inspired Computing for Wafer Map Defect Pattern Classification30.432021
Toward Security Closure In the Face of Reliability Effects ICCAD Special Session Paper00.342021
Machine Learning for On-the-Fly Reliability-Aware Cell Library Characterization20.482021
Impact of Negative Capacitance Field-Effect Transistor (NCFET) on Many-Core Systems.00.342021
Traps Based Reliability Barrier On Performance And Revealing Early Ageing In Negative Capacitance Fet00.342021
Reliability-Aware Quantization for Anti-Aging NPUs00.342021
Self-Heating Effects from Transistors to Gates00.342021
Reliability-Driven Voltage Optimization for NCFET-based SRAM Memory Banks00.342021
Positive/Negative Approximate Multipliers for DNN Accelerators00.342021
On-demand Mobile CPU Cooling with Thin-Film Thermoelectric Array10.362021
Machine Learning for Circuit Aging Estimation under Workload Dependency10.442021
Cross-layer Design for Computing-in-Memory: From Devices, Circuits, to Architectures and Applications00.342021
Transistor Self-Heating: The Rising Challenge for Semiconductor Testing10.362021
ICCAD Tutorial Session Paper Ferroelectric FET Technology and Applications: From Devices to Systems00.342021
Approximate Computing for ML: State-of-the-art, Challenges and Visions20.412021
Brain-Inspired Computing: Adventure from Beyond CMOS Technologies to Beyond von Neumann Architectures ICCAD Special Session Paper00.342021
Security Closure of Physical Layouts ICCAD Special Session Paper00.342021
Robust Brain-Inspired Computing: On the Reliability of Spiking Neural Network Using Emerging Non-Volatile Synapses00.342021
Towards Reliable In-Memory Computing:From Emerging Devices to Post-von-Neumann Architectures00.342021
On the Effectiveness of Quantization and Pruning on the Performance of FPGAs-based NN Temperature Estimation00.342021
Post-Silicon Heat-Source Identification and Machine-Learning-Based Thermal Modeling Using Infrared Thermal Imaging00.342021
FeFET and NCFET for Future Neural Networks: Visions and Opportunities00.342021
On the Resiliency of NCFET Circuits Against Voltage Over-Scaling20.362021
Control Variate Approximation for DNN Accelerators20.372021
Modeling emerging technologies using machine learning: challenges and opportunities10.342020
Impact of NBTI Aging on Self-Heating in Nanowire FET.00.342020
Dynamic Power and Energy Management for NCFET-Based Processors00.342020
Impact of Self-Heating on Performance, Power and Reliability in FinFET Technology10.362020
Power Side-Channel Attacks in Negative Capacitance Transistor10.382020
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