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RANC: Reconfigurable Architecture for Neuromorphic Computing00.342021
Putting Data Science Pipelines on the Edge.00.342021
User-Space Emulation Framework for Domain-Specific SoC Design00.342020
GPGPU Based Parallel Implementation of Spectral Correlation Density Function00.342020
FPGA Based High-Throughput Real-Time Feature Extraction for Modulation Classification00.342020
Dynamic power management for value-oriented schedulers in power-constrained HPC system.10.352020
A Value-Oriented Job Scheduling Approach for Power-Constrained and Oversubscribed HPC Systems.00.342020
FPGA Based Emulation Environment for Neuromorphic Architectures00.342020
DS3: A System-Level D omain- S pecific S ystem-on-Chip S imulation Framework00.342020
Bit-Wise and Multi-GPU Implementations of the DNA Recombination Algorithm00.342019
Adaptive Power Reallocation for Value-Oriented Schedulers in Power-Constrained HPC00.342019
Implementation of scalable bidomain-based 3D cardiac simulations on a graphics processing unit cluster00.342019
Design of High Throughput FPGA-Based Testbed for Accelerating Error Characterization of LDPC Codes00.342019
Utility-based resource management in an oversubscribed energy-constrained heterogeneous environment executing parallel applications10.352019
GPU Based Quarter Spectral Correlation Density Function00.342018
Real-Time GPU Based Video Segmentation with Depth Information00.342018
Hardware Implementation and Performance Analysis of Resource Efficient Probabilistic Hard Decision LDPC Decoders.30.412018
Balancing the learning ability and memory demand of a perceptron-based dynamically trainable neural network00.342018
Two-Level Autonomous Optimizations Based on ML for Cardiac FEM Simulations00.342018
Post-Routing Analytical Wirelength Model for Homogeneous FPGA Architectures00.342018
Autonomic Management of 3D Cardiac Simulations00.342017
Analysis and implementation of resource efficient probabilistic Gallager B LDPC decoder10.382017
High Performance Machine Learning (HPML) Framework to Support DDDAS Decision Support Systems: Design Overview00.342017
An Optical Interconnect Network Design for Dynamically Composable Data Centers00.342017
Value Based Scheduling for Oversubscribed Power-Constrained Homogeneous HPC Systems00.342017
Application-Specific Autonomic Cache Tuning for General Purpose GPUs00.342017
Value of service based resource management for large-scale computing systems.00.342017
Value of Service Based Task Scheduling for Cloud Computing Systems10.352016
Resource efficient real-time processing of Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization10.372016
Just In Time Architecture (Jita) For Dynamically Composable Data Centers00.342016
Value-Based Resource Management in High-Performance Computing Systems.50.392016
An Autonomic Workflow Performance Manager for Weather Research and Forecast Workflows00.342016
Autonomic Workload and Resources Management of Cloud Computing Services110.612014
A power efficient reconfigurable system-in-stack: 3D integration of accelerators, FPGAs, and DRAM10.362014
Integration of Net-Length Factor with Timing- and Routability-Driven Clustering Algorithms00.342013
A Hybrid FPGA Model to Estimate On-Chip Crossbar Logic Utilization in SoC Platforms00.342013
An Analytical Model for Evaluating Static Power of Homogeneous FPGA Architectures00.342013
An Adaptive Motion Estimation Architecture for H.264/AVC00.342013
High performance biological pairwise sequence alignment: FPGA versus GPU versus cell BE versus GPP210.932012
Bit-by-Bit Pipelined and Hybrid-Grained 2D Architecture for Motion Estimation of H.264/AVC30.422012
Cardiac simulation on multi-GPU platform120.792012
Quantitative Trait Locus Analysis Using a Partitioned Linear Model on a GPU Cluster00.342012
High performance linear equation solver using NVIDIA GPUs.00.342011
An analytical energy model to accelerate FPGA logic architecture investigation.40.532011
MO-pack: many-objective clustering for FPGA CAD170.722011
Net-length-based routability-driven power-aware clustering20.372011
Parallel Implementation of the Irregular Terrain Model (ITM) for Radio Transmission Loss Prediction Using GPU and Cell BE Processors20.672011
Queral Networks: Toward an Approach for Engineering Large Artificial Neural Networks00.342011
Architecture design of variable block size motion estimation for full and fast search algorithms in H.264/AVC30.372011
Timing-driven nonuniform depopulation-based clustering60.472010
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