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CoreMemDTM: Integrated Processor Core and 3D Memory Dynamic Thermal Management for Improved Performance00.342022
A dual-stage advanced deep learning algorithm for long-term and long-sequence prediction for multivariate financial time series00.342022
CoMeT: An Integrated Interval Thermal Simulation Toolchain for 2D, 2.5D, and 3D Processor-Memory Systems10.352022
NeuroMap: Efficient Task Mapping of Deep Neural Networks for Dynamic Thermal Management in High-Bandwidth Memory00.342022
FN-CACTI: Advanced CACTI for FinFET and NC-FinFET Technologies00.342022
CASES '21: Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Compilers, Architectures, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems, Virtual Event, October 8 - 15, 2021.00.342021
Investigation of Unified Emerging-NVM SoC Architecture for IoT-WSN Applications00.342019
Reusing Trace Buffers as Victim Caches.10.362018
Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning-Based Co-optimization of Cores, Caches, and On-chip Network.10.362017
Reusing trace buffers to enhance cache performance.20.372017
A coordinated multi-agent reinforcement learning approach to multi-level cache co-partitioning.00.342017
Extending trace history through tapered summaries in post-silicon validation.00.342016
Integrated Exploration Methodology for Data Interleaving and Data-to-Memory Mapping on SIMD Architectures.00.342016
A Generic Implementation of Barriers Using Optical Interconnects20.382016
Machine Learned Machines: Adaptive co-optimization of caches, cores, and On-chip Network20.372016
Data Flow Transformation for Energy-Efficient Implementation of Givens Rotation--Based QRD10.342016
Area-Aware Cache Update Trackers for Postsilicon Validation.00.342016
Partitioning and Data Mapping in Reconfigurable Cache and Scratchpad Memory-Based Architectures.30.402016
Energy efficient FFT implementation through stage skipping and merging00.342015
Fundamental Results for a Generic Implementation of Barriers using Optical Interconnects10.372015
Power Optimization Techniques for DDR3 SDRAM00.342015
Array Interleaving—An Energy-Efficient Data Layout Transformation40.422015
Energy efficient data flow transformation for givens rotation based QR decomposition10.362014
High level energy modeling of controller logic in data caches00.342014
Shared-port register file architecture for low-energy VLIW processors40.402014
Energy optimization in android applications through wakelock placement70.552014
Space sensitive cache dumping for post-silicon validation00.342013
SPM-Sieve: A framework for assisting data partitioning in scratch pad memory based systems40.482013
Integrating software caches with scratch pad memory60.462012
Efficient on-line algorithm for maintaining k-cover of sparse bit-strings.00.342012
Exploiting UML based validation for compliance checking of TLM 2 based models20.402012
Exploiting temporal decoupling to accelerate trace-driven NoC emulation10.402011
A UML based framework for efficient validation of TLM 2 models.00.342011
Guest Editorial: Special Issue on VLSI Design and Embedded Systems00.342010
Enhancing Post-Silicon Processor Debug With Incremental Cache State Dumping10.352010
Front-End Design Flows for Systems on Chip: An Embedded Tutorial10.452010
Rank based dynamic voltage and frequency scaling fortiled graphics processors50.632010
FastFwd: an efficient hardware acceleration technique for trace-driven network-on-chip simulation20.422010
Online cache state dumping for processor debug60.452009
A Special Issue On The "22nd Ieee International Conference On Vlsi Design" New Delhi, India, 5-9 January 200900.342009
A generic platform for estimation of multi-threaded program performance on heterogeneous multiprocessors60.552009
Adaptive Partitioning of Vertex Shader for Low Power High Performance Geometry Engine30.392009
Guest editor introduction: special issue on muitiprocessor-based embedded systems00.342008
Texture filter memory: a power-efficient and scalable texture memory architecture for mobile graphics processors60.552008
REWIRED: REgister Write Inhibition by REsource Dedication10.352008
Evaluation of Bus Based Interconnect Mechanisms in Clustered VLIW Architectures90.632007
The impact of loop unrolling on controller delay in high level synthesis100.672007
An Efficient Pipelined VLSI Architecture for Lifting-Based 2D-Discrete Wavelet Transform50.522007
Customization of Register File Banking Architecture for Low Power40.412007
Power Reduction in VLIW Processor with Compiler Driven Bypass Network120.712007
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