University of California, Riverside, CA
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An Analysis of Using Many Small Programs in CS110.352019
Python Versus C++: An Analysis of Student Struggle on Small Coding Exercises in Introductory Programming Courses.20.402018
Teaching Students a Systematic Approach to Debugging: (Abstract Only).00.342018
Students learn more with less text that covers the same core topics30.822015
Interactive Ebooks and Course Materials: A BOF for Authors and Instructors (Abstract Only)00.342015
Graph-Based Approaches to Placement of Processing Element Networks on FPGAs for Physical Model Simulation10.352015
A Survey on Concepts, Applications, and Challenges in Cyber-Physical Systems.200.902014
Accurate and Efficient Algorithms that Adapt to Privacy-Enhanced Video for Improved Assistive Monitoring20.392013
An efficient compression scheme for checkpointing of FPGA-based digital mockups00.342013
Estimating Daily Energy Expenditure from Video for Assistive Monitoring40.432013
Exploration with upgradeable models using statistical methods for physical model emulation00.342013
An online revolution in learning and teaching10.432013
Automatic synthesis of physical system differential equation models to a custom network of general processing elements on FPGAs40.472013
Combining code reordering and cache configuration20.362012
MNFL: the monitoring and notification flow language for assistive monitoring10.362012
MEDS: mockup electronic data sheets for automated testing of cyber-physical systems using digital mockups00.342012
Synthesis of custom networks of heterogeneous processing elements for complex physical system emulation30.392012
Privacy perception and fall detection accuracy for in-home video assistive monitoring with privacy enhancements100.902012
Thread Warping: Dynamic and Transparent Synthesis of Thread Accelerators40.412011
Scalable object detection accelerators on FPGAs using custom design space exploration50.532011
Making good points: application-specific pareto-point generation for design space exploration using statistical methods70.492009
Portable SystemC-on-a-chip50.492009
Enabling nonexpert construction of basic sensor-based systems110.632009
Design and implementation of a MicroBlaze-based warp processor241.122009
Transmuting coprocessors: Dynamic loading of FPGA coprocessors100.562009
A pipelined binary tree as a case study on designing efficient circuits for an FPGA in a bram aware design00.342008
Dynamic tuning of configurable architectures: the AWW online algorithm30.382008
Warp Processing: Dynamic Translation of Binaries to FPGA Circuits211.672008
Dynamic coprocessor management for FPGA-enhanced compute platforms150.762008
Don't forget memories: a case study redesigning a pattern counting ASIC circuit for FPGAs60.482008
Highly-cited ideas in system codesign and synthesis00.342008
Dynamic Partial Fpga Reconfiguration In A Prototype Microprocessor System50.492007
Two-Level Microprocessor-Accelerator Partitioning70.522007
Interactive presentation: Soft-core processor customization using the design of experiments paradigm70.862007
A Self-Tuning Configurable Cache491.832007
Clock-Frequency Assignment for Multiple Clock Domain Systems-on-a-Chip40.562007
Binary synthesis81.312007
Automated generation of basic custom sensor-based embedded computing systems guided by end-user optimization criteria20.382006
Configurable cache subsetting for fast cache tuning130.602006
Warp Processors281.202006
Conjoining soft-core FPGA processors70.902006
A first look at the interplay of code reordering and configurable caches70.652005
A Study of the Speedups and Competitiveness of FPGA Soft Processor Cores using Dynamic Hardware/Software Partitioning432.182005
eBlocks: an enabling technology for basic sensor based systems50.612005
Fast Configurable-Cache Tuning With a Unified Second-Level Cache522.132005
A logic block enabling logic configuration by non-experts in sensor networks100.822005
New decompilation techniques for binary-level co-processor generation111.192005
Techniques for synthesizing binaries to an advanced register/memory structure150.842005
System synthesis for networks of programmable blocks60.532005
A Configurable Logic Architecture for Dynamic Hardware/Software Partitioning341.522004
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