Pennsylvania State University
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Memristor-based affective associative memory neural network circuit with emotional gradual processes00.342022
Memory Scaling of Cloud-Based Big Data Systems: A Hybrid Approach00.342022
Data-Aware Storage Tiering for Deep Learning10.352021
Survival of the Fittest Amidst the Cambrian Explosion of Processor Architectures for Artificial Intelligence : Invited Paper00.342021
Mixed Precision Quantization for ReRAM-based DNN Inference Accelerators20.372021
A Python-based High-Level Programming Flow for CPU-FPGA Heterogeneous Systems : (Invited Paper)00.342021
Parana: A Parallel Neural Architecture Considering Thermal Problem of 3D Stacked Memory.00.342019
Toward Cost-Effective Memory Scaling in Clouds: Symbiosis of Virtual and Physical Memory00.342018
SmoothOut: Smoothing Out Sharp Minima for Generalization in Large-Batch Deep Learning.00.342018
TernGrad: Ternary Gradients to Reduce Communication in Distributed Deep Learning.521.312017
Coordinating Filters for Faster Deep Neural Networks120.522017
NVSim-VXs: an improved NVSim for variation aware STT-RAM simulation10.372016
NVSim-CAM: a circuit-level simulator for emerging nonvolatile memory based content-addressable memory.50.482016
BACH: A Bandwidth-Aware Hybrid Cache Hierarchy Design with Nonvolatile Memories.00.342016
Pinatubo: A Processing-In-Memory Architecture For Bulk Bitwise Operations In Emerging Non-Volatile Memories401.142016
PRIME: A Novel Processing-in-Memory Architecture for Neural Network Computation in ReRAM-Based Main Memory.1393.322016
History-Assisted Adaptive-Granularity Caches (HAAG$) for High Performance 3D DRAM Architectures20.372015
Overcoming the challenges of crossbar resistive memory architectures832.682015
Memory and Storage System Design with Nonvolatile Memory Technologies.40.482015
Impact of Cell Failure on Reliable Cross-Point Resistive Memory Design70.532015
Impact of Write Pulse and Process Variation on 22 nm FinFET-Based STT-RAM Design: A Device-Architecture Co-Optimization Approach.50.452015
Modeling framework for cross-point resistive memory design emphasizing reliability and variability issues60.512015
TSV power supply array electromigration lifetime analysis in 3D ICS00.342014
3D-SWIFT: a high-performance 3D-stacked wide IO DRAM140.652014
CREAM: A Concurrent-Refresh-Aware DRAM Memory architecture160.652014
Modeling and design analysis of 3D vertical resistive memory — A low cost cross-point architecture80.582014
Half-DRAM: a high-bandwidth and low-power DRAM architecture from the rethinking of fine-grained activation331.052014
Architecting 3D vertical resistive memory for next-generation storage systems120.642014
Reliability-aware cross-point resistive memory design20.382014
Using multi-level cell STT-RAM for fast and energy-efficient local checkpointing100.552014
Adaptive placement and migration policy for an STT-RAM-based hybrid cache461.232014
Low Power Multi-Level-Cell Resistive Memory Design With Incomplete Data Mapping140.592013
Design of cross-point metal-oxide ReRAM emphasizing reliability and cost141.752013
Understanding the trade-offs in multi-level cell ReRAM memory design461.412013
Lazy Precharge: An overhead-free method to reduce precharge overhead for memory parallelism improvement of DRAM system10.392013
Design trade-offs for high density cross-point resistive memory361.922012
Modeling and design exploration of FBDRAM as on-chip memory30.392012
Cache revive: Architecting volatile STT-RAM caches for enhanced performance in CMPs1203.382012
NVSim: A Circuit-Level Performance, Energy, and Area Model for Emerging Nonvolatile Memory32710.862012
Bandwidth-aware reconfigurable cache design with hybrid memory technologies130.542011
Device-architecture co-optimization of STT-RAM based memory for low power embedded systems221.192011
Moguls: A model to explore the memory hierarchy for bandwidth improvements120.772011
Impact of process variations on emerging memristor463.402010