Purdue Univ, Sch Elect & Comp Engn, W Lafayette, IN 47907 USA
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On Modeling CMOS Library Cells for Cell Internal Fault Test Pattern Generation00.342021
Single Test Type to Replace Broadside and Skewed-Load Tests for Transition Faults00.342021
On Generating Fault Diagnosis Patterns for Designs with X Sources00.342019
TEA: A Test Generation Algorithm for Designs with Timing Exceptions00.342019
Functional Broadside Test Generation Using a Commercial ATPG Tool00.342017
Thermal-Aware Small-Delay Defect Testing in Integrated Circuits for Mitigating Overkill.50.412016
On Achieving Maximal Chain Diagnosis Resolution through Test Pattern Selection00.342016
On generating high quality tests based on cell functions40.442015
On Improving Transition Test Set Quality to Detect CMOS Transistor Stuck-Open Faults.20.412015
Using Boolean Tests to Improve Detection of Transistor Stuck-Open Faults in CMOS Digital Logic Circuits30.392015
Using dynamic shift to reduce test data volume in high-compression designs40.442014
Multicycle-aware At-speed Test Methodology20.512013
Test compaction for small-delay defects using an effective path selection scheme60.432013
On Utilizing Test Cube Properties to Reduce Test Data Volume Further160.662012
Power Supply Droop and Its Impacts on Structural At-Speed Testing20.372012
Low power testing - What can commercial DFT tools provide?00.342011
Power Aware Embedded Test40.452011
Low capture power at-speed test in EDT environment.10.422010
Detecting and diagnosing open defects00.342010
Clock control architecture and ATPG for reducing pattern count in SoC designs with multiple clock domains20.402010
On reducing scan shift activity at RTL10.362010
Adaptive Low Shift Power Test Pattern Generator for Logic BIST70.592010
Test Generation for Designs with On-Chip Clock Generators80.682009
Low-power scan operation in test compression environment310.912009
Test Generation for Interconnect Opens110.742008
Scan Shift Power Reduction by Freezing Power Sensitive Scan Cells160.732008
Test Power Reduction by Blocking Scan Cell Outputs130.942008
Reducing Scan Shift Power at RTL40.462008
Scan-Based Tests with Low Switching Activity151.072007
Low Shift and Capture Power Scan Tests331.342007
Preferred Fill: A Scalable Method To Reduce Capture Power For Scan Based Designs1504.322006
Scan Tests with Multiple Fault Activation Cycles for Delay Faults160.902006
The Impacts of Untestable Defects on Transition Fault Testing30.512006
Propagation delay fault: a new fault model to test delay faults30.462005
Measures to Improve Delay Fault Testing on Low-Cost Testers - A Case Study70.632005
Logic Design for On-Chip Test Clock Generation - Implementation Details and Impact on Delay Test Quality211.102005
High-Frequency, At-Speed Scan Testing765.032003
Test generation for designs with multiple clocks321.342003
Conflict driven techniques for improving deterministic test pattern generation170.722002
Novel Techniques for Achieving High At-Speed Transition Fault Test Coverage for Motorola's Microprocessors Based on PowerPC(tm) Instruction Set Architecture212.472002
Experimental Results of Forward-Looking Reverse Order Fault Simulation on Industrial Circuits with Scan10.622001
On static test compaction and test pattern ordering for scan designs373.062001
SIFAR: Static Test Compaction for Synchronous Sequential Circuits Based on Single Fault Restoration160.672000
Techniques for improving the efficiency of sequential circuit test generation240.881999
Full scan fault coverage with partial scan190.741999
Procedures for Identifying Undetectable and Redundant Faults In Synchronous Sequential Circuits70.571999
MIX: A Test Generation System for Synchronous Sequential Circuits221.091998
On Finding Undetectable and Redundant Faults in Synchronous Sequential Circuits251.061998